

domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2021

Progresso no Hand Quilting e Ponto Cruz

Mais um Domingo chegou para celebrarmos e compartilharmos nossa alegria e nosso amor por artes manuais que envolvam fios e agulhas,  por isso  Kathy criou a link party  Slow Sunday Stitching!

Quero agradecer publicamente a todas as pessoas mais experientes, por todas as  dicas  e sugestões em minha postagem de Domingo passado em relação a minha primeira tentativa com o Hand Quilting. Agradeço também a todas as pessoas que me incentivaram a continuar e persistir. "Thank you!"

Conto pra vocês o que aconteceu:
  • Assisti mais alguns vídeos; 
  • Achei melhor desmanchar o que já tinha feito; 
  • Substitui a manta acrílica por flanela; 
  • Ao invés de usar alfinetes, alinhavei as 3 camadas de tecidos;
  • Fiz as marcações do quilting.  Escolhi fazer Meias luas,  nas partes claras de cada HTS, e nas bordas;
  • Troquei o bastidor redondo pelo Frame manual;.
  • Escolhi uma agulha um pouco mais fina e mais longa;
  • Usei a linha DMC Quilt - Inter-glazed Glacê cor 105 - cru, na área central.

A linha DMC é mais fina e mais discreta.  Assim os erros não aparecem tanto.

Os pontos continuam num estilo bem primitivo!  
Com treino creio que conseguirei melhores resultados. Mas já é um grande progresso, concordam?
Eu estou muito satisfeita com o resultado!

Hoje farei o quilting nas bordas com a linha Sulky  varigated  4109,  Cotton 12.

Quanto aos bordados, bordei mais alguns blocos de assinatura para o projeto Love Quilts Brasil:

E acrescentei mais alguns pontos no bloco de Manatees.

                                                     Para comparação  

o antes e o depois.

Dediquei a estes bordados um total semanal de 

               6 horas, 37 minutos, 42 segundos e 37 centésimos

Uma média de  56 minutos por dia, em alguns bordei pouco mais de meia hora e em outros mais de 1 hora.   Nada como ter pelo menos
15 minutes to stitch cada dia.

Convido a  todos para conhecerem  visitando estas duas link parties, é só clicar nos links e se inspirarem com tantos trabalhos lindos feitos por mãos habilidosas ao redor do mundo.

16 comentários:

  1. You made a big difference to your manatees this week. The embroidered blocks for the Love Quilts are beautiful - it is interesting to see what names are popular in different parts of the world, too. I would not have expected to see a "Ryan" in Brazil!

    Well done with your hand quilting.

  2. Your quilting is looking good, keep on practicing and the stitches will get better. The signature blocks are very cute and so are the manatees. Happy stitching!

  3. Well done on persisting with your hand quilting it looks lovely to me, the blocks are beautiful too. I haven't counted how much time I've devoted to stitching this week but you are right it is nice to have the time to stitch a little everyday.

  4. How wonderful this was. So smart to watch youtube to learn.

  5. Hand quilting takes practice. I can see my improvements on my first hand-quilted project alone (a queen-sized bed quilt). I have improved over the years and still consider myself a novice hand-quilter as I don't do it often. Your cross-stitch pieces are so pretty. You have made great progress with the manatees.

  6. Very nice! Switching to flannel will give a nice finished look. Your set up is very manageable and the finished result will be just fine. Everybody has to start someplace. I love your fabrics and pattern. Best wishes!

  7. So nice to have quilting friends around the world to give advice and encouragement! Your manatees received a lot of attention this week and I love the embroidered labels as well. Happy stitching!

  8. That is an impressive amount of stitching time! Way to go!

  9. Wonderful! So glad to hear you will keep trying ;)
    I just ordered a new fancy thimble to try to see if I like it better than the ones I use now.

  10. Great progress in your quilting and beautiful stitching projects!

  11. It always feels good to practice and learn a new skill! And to have friends who give you tips and hints about it, too. You've kept busy this week, Ivani!

  12. I think you have done brilliantly to persevere with your quilting. Keep it up!

  13. That spool of thread next to your quilt frame gives a very different perspective. I didn't realize before that this was a very miniature quilt and your quilting on it is awesome! Congratulations for sticking with it until you found a solution that worked for you.

  14. Great work to see. I like the way you keep track of time. I used to have a plug in clock that I would start when I worked on a project and unplug when I finished - old style clock face, not digital. I really liked knowing the total time spent.

  15. I have hand quilted a few quilts, Ivani, and still my stitches will not march one behind the other in a neat and straight line. I think you are doing a fabulous job with you quilting. This is such a pretty quilt. Just keep on quilting and before you know it will be like you have been hand quilting forever.

  16. Sounds like you've made some good changes and have made a great start on the hand quilting. You had a good week won the stitching time front too. Lots of progress on multiple fronts. Hope this week is at least as good. Thank you for linking up with 15 minutes to stitch this week.


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