

sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2021

O Versátil bloco Log Cabin

 Nosso quintal  recebeu pinceladas de amarelo esta semana. todas as orquídeas Chuva de Ouro (Oncidium) que estão nos troncos das árvores floriram.

Por coincidência, amarelo é também a cor dos retalhos que todas as participantes do desafio
RSC -21 estão usando para fazer seus blocos este mês.

Esta semana foi a vez de fazer os 
blocos Cabana de Toras descentralizados com 8" para construir os blocos Log Cabin Beads. A primeira vez que vi estes blocos, foi on line. Um quilt criado por 
 Kathy Hamada  publicado  na revista, Quilt Sampler - edição Spring/Summer 2014,  então estou usando esse nome.

Navegando um pouco mais encontrei outros nomes, Algumas pessoas também o batizaram de Bolhas.

Estes são meus 2 blocos Log Cabin Beads em amarelo para o mês de Fevereiro.

Em conexão neste Sábado com as participantes do 
 Rainbow Scrap Challenge promovida por Angela,  

No Domingo  com as participantes do Oh Scrap! promovida por Cynthia.

Bom final de semana!

19 comentários:

  1. Beautiful yellow orchids, lovely yellow bead blocks!

  2. the quilt will be wonderful in rainbow colors

  3. I like that log cabin block - that will look really good for RSC

  4. The orchids are amazing! And your bead blocks are pretty too! Well done!

  5. The yellow flowers are so pretty! Cute block, will make a cute quilt in combination with the RSC colors, happy stitching!

  6. I've never made Log Cabin Bead blocks. Your turned out beautifully, Ivani!

  7. I love your log cabin beads, and your beautiful flowers have me longing for spring. Enjoy them, and have a great day!

  8. Oh, I do love the off center log cabin blocks! Such a nice curved feel. Beautiful blocks.

  9. How lovely to have flowers blooming, Ivani! They are definitely the perfect color for February. And your Log Cabin Bead blocks are just great!

  10. Those yellow orchids are lovely. Did you have to transplant to the tree trunk? Great yellow blocks, they do look like bubbles!

  11. Wow, orchids in your yard, they're gorgeous. The yellow log cabin blocks look cheerful and fun to make.

  12. Your orchids are stunningly beautiful!
    I like the idea of your log cabin beads being 'bubbles'!

  13. Such bright and happy blocks in sunny yellow.

  14. Your Log Cabin Beads are pretty. You've got a nice selection of yellow fabrics. I never heard of Golden Rain orchids. Thank you for sharing!

  15. I did not even know there were yellow orchids. They are so lovely. And your log cabin bead blocks are terrific. Obrigada, Ivani!

  16. I too didn't know there were yellow orchids which are beautiful. Your log cabin blocks are stunning!

  17. Oh, what beautiful orchids! And I love those log cabin blocks that look rounded like beads.

  18. Great yellow log cabin blocks. Lucky you have yellow in your yard.


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