

sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2021

Tchau Fevereiro

Se Janeiro passou voando, o que dizer de um mês que tem só  28 dias? 

Passou como em um piscar de olhos!

E assim, termina neste Sábado o Rainbow Scrap Challenge de Fevereiro. 

Hora de  guardar os retalhos, tiras e pedacinhos que sobraram, separados por tamanhos para serem usados ano que vem quando Angela liberar novamente o uso da cor Amarelo.

O Verão está terminando por aqui, foi um verão chuvoso e com temperaturas amenas no meu pedacinho de mundo. E o amarelo ajudou a colocar um pouco de brilho e alegria aos dias cinzentos e tristes. Meu Design wall termina o mês, com estes blocos.

E por falar em amarelo, fiz também um caminho de mesa. Se quiser dar uma espiadinha
deixo o link AQUI.

Tchau Amarelo! Tchau Fevereiro! Até 2022!

Logo mais Angela revelará a cor com a qual iremos nos divertir em Março.

Em conexão neste Sábado com Rainbow Scrap Challenge - 2021, e 

no Domingo com Oh Scrap!

16 comentários:

  1. January went fast and I think February went even faster. You made good use of your yellow scraps this month. Happy stitching this weekend.

  2. So many pretty yellow blocks this month. They will certainly brighten your days. Looking forward to green in March.

  3. Lots of lovely yellow blocks Ivani. You had a productive month.

  4. I like your pink and yellow combinations!

  5. so many lovely yellow blocks and pieces . Sometimes waiting for finishes is the hard part of the rainbow scrap challenge. But, time does go quickly

  6. Your design wall is full of happy yellows! I especially like the little hearts! And your Bee-utiful table runner is gorgeous ! On to March! And Green, says Angela!

  7. So many pretty yellow fabrics in your blocks! Love that quilt in your header... now to go check out the table runner!

  8. You have a happy design wall, Ivani! Mine looks like yours with that fun pink and yellow mixed together. Looking forward to March now!

  9. Your yellow block are “delicious”! So cheery. And I love your table runner. You are truly an artist!

  10. Your design wall looks lovely in YELLOW for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, Ivani!!

  11. You have done lots of pretty yellow stitching, it's such a nice cheery colour to work with.

  12. Summer here has been like that, too. Much more rain than normal, and milder temperatures. I don't mind missing out on the high temperatures, and the garden has enjoyed the rain.

    Your yellow blocks and table runner look very cheerful.

  13. Your blocks are bright and happy. Enjoy your 'fall' weather and happy stitching!

  14. It was a short month, but it looks like you made good use of the time! Such happy yellow blocks!


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