

domingo, 25 de abril de 2021

Notícias e trabalhos em andamento

Inicio hoje, contando para vocês que ontem recebi a primeira dose da Vacina Oxford/AstraZeneca contra COVID-19. Agora faço oficialmente parte dos 13,68% da população brasileira, ou das 28.969.324 pessoas  que  receberam a primeira dose de vacina desde o início da vacinação em
Janeiro. Infelizmente a vacinação por aqui está bem lenta devido a escassez de vacinas. E sabemos  que mesmo depois da segunda. dose, só estaremos seguros quando todos ou pelo menos entre 80 a 90% da população estiver vacinada. Minha segunda dose está agendada para 24 de Julho.

Meu marido que recebeu a vacina Coronavac da Sinovac já recebeu as duas doses, já que o intervalo da primeira para a segunda dose desta vacina é menor e ele faz parte dos 5,90% da população que recebeu também a segunda dose.

Mas neste momento,  em que o mês de Abril passa a ser o pior mês da Pandemia no Brasil, sinto uma Gratidão imensa, por ter chegado até aqui e por ter sido vacinada.

Domingo passado The road to a Friend's
house is never long estava assim:

Durante a semana bordei algumas partes da terceira casinha de passarinhos e hoje ele está assim, bem mais colorido, embora ainda faltem muitos ponto cruz para completar.

Fiz também mais 15 quadrados na  manta de colo Gingham, com a técnica C2C, completando 3 quadrantes prontos.

Agora falta pouco, mais 10 quadrados e o acabamento para terminar esta mantinha fofa.

Cronometrei e consigo fazer cada quadrado em 17 minutos e  32 segundos. Como faltam ainda alguns dias para o final do mês  espero conseguir concluir esta manta ainda este mês.

Para este Domingo continuarei com estes dois trabalhos e espero relaxar um pouco mais e fazer alguns pontinhos alternando estes dois trabalhos que continuam em andamento.

Em conexão neste Domingo com Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching, e
Kate em 15 minutes to stitch.

12 comentários:

  1. I'm very pleased you and your husband have had your vaccine! It is a great feeling. Your bird house cross stitch is looking very pretty. A few more squares to make but you're nearly there!

  2. It is wonderful to know that your husband has had both his, and you have had your first dose.

    Your stitching projects are progressing beautifully.

  3. I'm amazed that you have to wait 3 months to get your second injection but so glad you got your first one it has been a long time waiting for sure. I am so glad we have had our second one for almost a month now, I am feeling much safer then I did. Your stitches are looking great.

  4. It is wonderful you and your husband, Ivani, have received your vaccine. Love those sweet little bird houses. Love that sweet cat! The squares in the Gingham Lap blanket are such pretty colours. Goodness me, it doesn't take long for you to crochet each one. Enjoy a beautiful week!

  5. I'm so glad you've got your first vaccination, it does give peace of mind. Don't be complacent though, stay away from people until the 2nd vaccination, we don't want anything to happen to you. Your bird houses look very nice and the gingham lap afghan is beautiful! Handwork has kept us all active this last year, happy stitching!

  6. You're making great progress on both the birdhouse stitching and your gingham blanket, Ivani! Love the gingham design, and how fast you can make each square!

  7. Hi,
    Your Birdhouses are really pretty. Love the
    Gingham Lap quilt. I go for my shot next
    month. Have a great day!

  8. Beautiful cross stitch! I got my second Pfizer vaccine on Friday! Hope you have a great week!

  9. Wow that is a long time between first and second doses, but I understand that is recommended for that vaccine. At least you are on your way to being fully immunized. You've done a whole lot of stitching on your cross-stitch. I love it more with each update. Your blanket is looking great also. I like how the colors complement each other.

  10. I am so glad that you have received your 1st dose and your husband has been fully vaccinated. Your cross stitch looks amazing. Such a sweet piece perfect for spring and summer. Love your blankie too; sounds like you are pretty fast at working up each block. I would love to learn to knit and crochet someday. Have a great week and happy stitching,

  11. Your cross stitch is so neat and the birdhouse design is lovely. I am glad you got your first shot. This is such a difficult time for Brazil. I have experienced similar feelings. Sadness for the general state of the world and gratitude for my well-being. Sometimes I am not sure what to feel. Thinking of you and sending hugs.

  12. Glad that you were able to start the vaccination process.

    You've made some good progress on your projects, the embroidery is really cute. Hope this week was as productive.


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