

domingo, 2 de maio de 2021

Mais uma mantinha pronta

Primeiro Domingo de Maio. Tá certo isso produção?
Domingo é o dia da semana que celebramos nosso amor por diversas artes manuais.

Se você ainda não sabe, sou voluntária do projeto Quadradinhos de Amor - São Paulo.

A manta de colo,  ficou pronta  na Sexta Feira, crochetei todos os dias por pelo menos 15 minutos por dia, alguns dias um pouco  mais  e em outros dias por  mais de 1 hora.

Logo ela será  entregue a uma pessoa idosa residente em asilo.

Ela foi inteiramente tecida em crochê no padrão Ghigham com a técnica Corner to Corner  ou C2C e  mede 1 metro X 1 metro. 

Ficou super macia e quentinha.

Ponto Cruz:
The road to a Friend's house is never long
, ainda não ficou pronto mas teve  algum progresso. 

Não consegui terminar a terceira casinha, faltou um pedacinho:  falta terminar de bordar a flor e alguns pontos na casinha e fazer o contorno do vaso.

Agora falta relativamente pouco para ser bordado. Quanto mais eu bordo, mais encantada eu fico  e mais feliz por ter escolhido bordar este gráfico da revista Cross Country Stitching  de Outubro de 1997.

Neste  Domingo meu plano é continuar bordando e  procurar um novo padrão para iniciar uma nova manta em crochê.

Em conexão com:
Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching, 

16 comentários:

  1. The finished crochet blanket is beautiful!
    You have made a lot of progress on your birdhouses as well. It is looking really good.

  2. What an adorable gingham afghan!!! It will certainly be a blessing. Keep on stitching! You're getting there on the cross stitch.

  3. I love that cross stitch it's really pretty and your lap blanket is lovely and is going to such a good cause, who ever receives it will be very happy. Have a peaceful Sunday.

  4. You are very productive with all your projects. That blanket is sire going to be appreciated by the person who receives it!

  5. Your blanket is gorgeous. This will make some senior very happy. I know that my own 94 year old mom is always cold and looking for layers. Your cross-stitch is so sweet. I love watching your progress.

  6. The afghan is beautiful, the recipient will be thrilled to receive this beauty. Your bird houses are so cute, a good project to work on during your winter days. How cold does it get where you are located? Do you get really cold with snow and ice? Happy stitching!

  7. I really liked how the blanket turned out - it is really a nice design

  8. The gingham blanket is so pretty! It's bound to make its recipient happy! You're making good progress on your cross-stitch project, too, Ivani.

  9. Your blanket is lovely and I think it will bring lots of comfort to who ever receives it. Your cross stitch is really coming a long, great progress!

  10. Beautiful blanket and stitching! Hope you have a great week!

  11. What an amazing gift for someone who needs a special blanket. Have a wonderful day.

  12. Your crochet is always so inspiring! It looks so soft and warm. The embroidery is coming along beautifully.

  13. Your lap blanket is so beautiful. I love the design and I know it will keep the lucky recipient warm and provide comfort. You are moving right along on this beautiful stitch too. I look forward to seeing next week's progress. I just love birdhouses. Have a great week

  14. A beautiful crochet blanket to give a lovely elderly person the warmest of hugs. This is the very best of kindness. 'Tis beautiful, Ivani.

  15. The blanket is beautiful, white a wonder gift for someone. The needlework is coming along as well. Hope this week has been good for all things with needle and thread.


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