

sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2021

Jogo Americano - Aqua

É inacreditável, mas Agosto já está acabando. Vocês também tem a sensação de o tempo anda voando, de tão rápido que ele tem passado? Ou sou só eu?

Final de Agosto é tempo de compartilhar o topo, caminho de mesa ou jogo americano do mês.

Este mês decidi tornar todos os pequenos retalhos e migalhas de tecidos em algo útil, que pudesse ser aproveitado. Fui unindo um pequeno retalho ao outro e mais outro e quando eu percebi, já tinha o necessário para a montagem de 1 jogo americano (placemat). Não é fantástico? Eu fico super empolgada! Adoro aproveitar todas as migalhas que normalmente são descartadas e vão para o lixo.

Com o Walking Foot, fiz em minha máquina de costura doméstica, Singer Bela, fiz o quilting em semi círculos, a exceção do primeiro que é o menor e mais fechado, todos os demais são feitos facilmente, uso o próprio pé calcador para medir a distância entre um e outro.

Escolhi um tecido de listinhas verde aqua para o Viés Francês (ou debrum) usei tira de 2,5 polegadas dobradas ao meio no comprimento.

Costurei à máquina do lado direito, o lado do Viés Francês aberto.

Após costurado, virei para o lado do forro.     
Prendi com alguns alfinetes e alinhavei para dar uma boa estabilizada, então passei outra costura rente ao viés, pela frente do trabalho.

Super fácil e prático.  

 tecido do forro, super combinou!

Aqui os 4 jogos americanos feitos com as migalhas: 2 vermelhos, 1 azul e 1 aquamarine. 

Pra observarmos a textura e o detalhe do quilting.

E, uma última foto na mesa de jantar:

Tamanho Final: 12,5" X  17" (31,5 X 43cm)

Compartilhando  nesta Sexta-Feira com :
Joy em Table Scraps Challenge 
Sarah em Can I get a Whoop Whoop? 

no Sábado com:
Frédérique em Patchwork & Quilts

e no Domingo com:
Cynthia em Oh Scrap!

17 comentários:

  1. that looks really good - I like how you quilted that

  2. Ivani,
    Your placemats are wonderful. I really enjoy crumbs this small,
    And your quilting is perfect for them. Jane

  3. I LOVE your scrappy placemats, Ivani !! and the quilting on them is so fun also!! Great job.

  4. Your aqua's are such pretty shades! All of the crumb placemats are so pretty, what a great sense of satisfaction to use leftover pieces and make something so pretty. Happy stitching!

  5. Lovely crumb placemats Ivani. They will be super useful too, .... for years!

  6. Ivani, I love your crumb placemats in every color! The semi-circle quilting is a great idea - I've never tried that, but will have to keep it in mind. Those are the perfect way to use up tiny crumbs of fabric in an interesting way!

  7. Love these. I'm going to try this circle machine quilting next month I think. I have some crumb blocks in the next couple of colors already I think. They look great on the table.

  8. I love them.the circle quilting really stands out.

  9. I really like the way you chose to do the quilting on your TABLE SCRAPS placemats, Ivani! Thanks for linking up your AQUA entry. It looks AWESOME!!

  10. Perfection! The table looks beautiful with the pretty placemats. I really love the way you chose to quilt them and will try to remember it for a future project! I especially like the picture of the two placemats together forming circular quilting!!!

  11. I’m a fan of crumb blocks, so your placemats make me happy! The striped binding is the perfect finishing touch! I will have to give the semicircle quilting a try! Well done!

  12. Great job on the placemats, Ivani! I love all the little scraps you have combined by colour, and the quilting works so well. They look fabulous on the table.

  13. Susie H took the words right out of my mouth. . PERFECTION is right! WOW! Those little scraps made into the perfect placemats! Well done! Love your circular quilting!

  14. Wonderful scrappy placemats, and very effective way to use small pieces! Love your spiral quilting too, they look fabulous on your table!
    Thanks for sharing ;)

  15. You know me, I love crumb blocks and your placemats are just adorable. I love to look at all the different fabrics, so cool. Great job on the quilting too. Your quilting is just perfect. The photo with the blue and the aqua placemats is amazing. One could think you quilted them together to have such a perfect circle, then cut them apart. Awesome job, girl! ;^)

  16. Your table toppers are lovely Ivani! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  17. These look terrific. It's amazing how great scraps can look. Your quilting really enhances them. I need to think about making some placemats.


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