

sábado, 23 de outubro de 2021


Esta semana meu marido tomou a 3a. dose da vacina contra Covid-19, após 6 meses  da 2a. dose. Segundo estudos científicos a 3a. dose  ajuda a aumentar a imunidade contra o vírus em pessoas acima dos 60 anos e pessoas imunossuprimidas.

Até ontem: 71,64% da população tomou a 1a. dose.
51,02% da população tomou  a 2a. dose, ou a dose única
2,76% da população tomou a 3a. dose.

Infelizmente o Brasil contabiliza 605.211  mortos pela Covid-19.

1 ano e 7 meses depois do primeiro caso confirmado no país, continuamos nessa luta em meio a uma grave crise política  e econômica.

Mas vamos falar de coisas mais leves. Que tal falarmos dos Blocos Easy Breezy que estou fazendo para o RSC-21?

Comecei a fazer esta coleção de blocos  este ano. Um bloco fácil e muito agradável de ser feito, uma verdadeira brisa leve.

Estou fazendo meus blocos com 8 polegadas (tamanho final) e para isso estou usando retalhos com 2,5 polegadas.

Este mês estou usando a cor marrom, para o Rainbow Scrap Challenge, já que não tinha retalhos suficientes, na cor escolhida por Angela para usarmos em Outubro: verde cítrico.

Fiz 5 blocos, 2 de transição com a cor laranja e outros 3 em tons de marrom:

Total de blocos feitos de Janeiro até Outubro/2021: 73

E usando o chão como mural, fui colocando os blocos um ao lado do outro e mudando algumas posições  seguindo a ordem das cores usadas mês a mês:

em um lay-out de 8 X 8, com 64 blocos, dá para montar um quilt com 64" X 64" polegadas (1,62m X 1,62m aproximadamente), tamanho suficiente para a montagem de um quilt de sofá. Gostei da idéia!!

E ainda ficam sobrando outros 9 blocos: 8 poderão ser usados para fazer um caminho de mesa (table runner): 

e  sobrará 1 que poderá ir para a pilha de blocos órfãos ou ser usado no forro.

Em conexão  com:

Angela em Rainbow Scrap Challenge
Frédérique em Patchwork & Quilts
Cynthia em Oh Scrap!

20 comentários:

  1. I like your easy breezy blocks, the arrangement looks lovely! I wish I hadn't used various background fabrics in my blocks. I didn't like how they turned out very well. Happy stitching!

  2. I love your Easy Breezy layout, Ivani! The way you transitioned from one color to the next throughout the year was such a great idea. I think the 8 inch blocks were a great idea, too. This is going to make a pretty quilt!

  3. the quilt looks good! I had the 3rd shot about 3 weeks ago and my husband will get his 3rd shot today. One of our daughters is getting hers today also. we are all feeling better protected.

  4. Our countries have many of the same Covid issues. We have 728,000 dead. Such a tragedy. So glad that your husband got his third shot! We are looking for appointments for ours and will get them in the next couple of weeks. Your blocks look great and will make a wonderful, happy quilt.Hurray for making it this far!

  5. This makes for a great scrappy quilt! Love your layout!

  6. Oh my gosh, Ivani, your Easy Breezy quilt is so pretty! And a win win to get a quilt, a table runner and and extra block for your “parts department “. Great job!

  7. I love your quilt but so much work with such tiny squares you must have lots of patience. Our Covid numbers are getting higher by the day I have just heard from 3 friends who have all tested positive in the past week two of which have had their third dose. It looks like we are going to have to live with this disease for a very long time to come. Have a lovely weekend. xx

  8. Congratulations on making such pretty blocks, your quilt will look fabulous when finished!

  9. Love your Easy Breezy layout! Definitely a good plan!

  10. Lovely layout design; a super block for the rainbow challenge.

  11. What a lovely layout for your rainbow blocks! It's going to be a beautiful quilt, plus a pretty placemat!
    I'm glad that your husband was eligible for the third vaccine shot.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful work in progress, and linking up with Patchwork & Quilts ;)

  12. Ooh, i like how these scrappy 9 patch blocks come together, Ivani. It makes a great quilt !

  13. I love this layout for your Easy Breezy blocks! It's a wonderful rainbow, and will be a beautiful quilt. Glad your husband got the 3rd shot, we're going to get it soon too. Stay safe and keep sewing!

  14. Love how the blocks love together. Perfect layout. Bravo! ;^)

  15. Your blocks look amazing all together. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  16. Beautiful blocks and the layout is just perfect. This will become a gorgeous quilt.

  17. Your Easy-Breezy quilt layout looks great! It will be an excellent sofa quilt.

    They haven't started giving 3rd doses here yet. But my son got his second dose today, which I'm very happy about!


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