

domingo, 17 de outubro de 2021

Bordado da toalha # 2 em andamento

Em várias partes do país, desde o final de Setembro, estão acontecendo tempestades de poeira.  Ventos fortes que levantam a terra seca e solta de áreas agrícolas, formando um paredão assustador de poeira. O vídeo abaixo é um exemplo:

Graças a Deus na minha região  as coisas estão mais tranquilas. A esperada e abençoada chuva chegou para saciar a sede das plantas e animais que  vivem nas matas.
Na região do Pantanal infelizmente a chuva ainda não caiu e grandes rios estão secando. Muito triste ver este bioma sendo constantemente ameaçado pelo fogo e pela seca ultimamente. A crise hídrica/energética continua em grande parte do país.

Mas, apesar disso tudo, hoje é Domingo, dia de celebrarmos nosso amor incondicional as artes manuais feitas com uma, ou duas, agulhas em mãos.

Durante a semana  consegui bordar diariamente o barrado da toalha de banho #2,  agora a letra " I "  e um dos motivos florais que ladeiam a letra estão bordados.

Neste Domingo pretendo iniciar o motivo floral do outro lado da letra I.

Espero que vocês estejam gostando de ver o progresso neste trabalho em ponto cruz,  porque eu estou amando bordar.

Semana passada mostrei como fica a parte de trás  do bordado no barrado da toalha. Caso você não tenha visto, deixo AQUI o link.

Feliz  pequenos pontos pra você, durante este Slow Sunday Stitching e durante toda a semana.

Em conexão com:
Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching, e 
Kate em 15 Minutes to Stitch

12 comentários:

  1. Oh my goodness, that wall of red dust is frightening! As for your cross stitch, it is lovely. Such a pretty design and those colours are perfect for the shade of that towel. Love the calligraphy-like lettering.

  2. Wow that dust storm looks horrendous, you certainly wouldn't want to be caught in that! I'm glad it hasn't affected you though, but feel sorry for those who have. It's lovely to see the progress on your towels, your work is so beautiful.

  3. That video is scary. I am glad that you have not had that near you and that the rains have visited your area. I pray that those areas that need the rain get some soon. Your towels are so pretty. I enjoy seeing your progress.

  4. that wall of dust looks like what they get in Arizona now and then where one of my nephews live. When that happens they have to hurry up quick and cover every thing - if they have time and are home they hurry to cover the pool as well. He says it takes days for clean up afterwards, they will have drifts of sand in the corners of there yard in the fence area.

  5. That dust storm would certainly make one run for cover. I had no idea that your country was having them. Your embroidery is beautiful. An elegant design indeed.

  6. So thankful you are not in that dust storm. That is horrendous. The people and animals are not safe in anything like that. Stay safe. I love your towels.

  7. I hope everyone receives the rain they need. Happy stitching!

  8. Your stitching is so pretty on the towels, Ivani! It seems many countries, and regions of countries either struggle with drought and wind or terrible storms - the effects of climate change, I'm sure. It's scary! I'm glad we have our stitching to help get our minds off the worries.

  9. Your embroidery is beautiful, and gives you much pleasure to do. It us always so nice sitting and stitching away, doing something we love, and creating beautiful things.
    The dust storms must be terrible, to be enveloped in such a dense cloud would be frightening indeed.

  10. The dust storm is amazing to see, but it is a sign of terrible damage to the land that dust came from.

    Your towel set is looking beautiful.

  11. I do hope that you get some rain in Brazil so that the dust storms are minimized. Lovely embroidery on your towels.

  12. Those towels are gorgeous! Hope you've been able to work in a lot of stitching time the last couple of weeks.


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