

domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2022


Está tudo basicamente igual por aqui, mês após més, semana após semana, dia após dia.

A chuva continua desde antes do Natal.
Não me lembro de termos tantos dias seguidos com chuva.
É certo, o verão por aqui é úmido, mas normalmente são chuvas fortes e passageiras. As famosas chuvas de verão.
Este ano porem  as nuvens de chuva chegaram e continuam chegando e estacionando na região.
Dizem os entendidos que tudo isso se deve ao fenômeno La Niña. Quando  as águas do Oceano Pacífico Equatorial estão mais frias do que o normal.  E a previsão é que  esta situação perdure até meados do Outono de 2022, ou seja até Maio.
Enquanto aqui chove acima do normal em  outras áreas do país, como nos estados da região Sul,  estão sofrendo com a estiagem.

Continuo com os mesmos trabalhos manuais em andamento.  Neles, pelo menos,  alguns progressos podem ser observados:

Topo de Mesa
Todas as 7  rosetas centrais foram acolchoadas e dei inicio aos hexágonos intermediários, neles estou fazendo um desenho simples de asterisco de uma ponta a outra.

Mantinha de Bebê
Fiz mais alguns contornos, que podem ser observados nos coqueiros, no hipopótamo e na ave. Outros pontos cruz foram adicionados  nas folhagens próximas ao corpo do hipopótamo. 

Neste Domingo cinza e nublado pretendo continuar colorindo meu mundo com uma agulha na mão.

Em conexão com:
Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching
Kate em 15 Minutes to Stitch

12 comentários:

  1. I love the idea of coloring your world with your needle. Your quilting is very pretty. I think your cross-stitch is adorable. I am hoping for some sunny days for you soon.

  2. sometimes here too it will rain and rain in the spring/summer where other areas it is sun and no rain and you wish it would pass you by already so that you could have the sun. Love your red/white hexies.

  3. Ivani, I adore your wonky stars...the white like that really stands out. That is a superb RSC quilt idea. I also love these hexagon rosettes. They will definitely be in my future as hand work like that is my favourite of all stitching. Thanks for sharing your lovely work.

  4. Constant rain can get you down, but glad you're enjoying some color with your stitching! The red and white hexie tabletopper is beautiful, Ivani - you're really moving along with the quilting. Have a wonderful day!

  5. Your cross stitching is lovely. Goodness if they are forecasting rain through to may no wonder it is getting you down! It’s cold, wet and grey here in the uk too but I’m sending warm, sunny thoughts your way!

  6. The view from your window looks very lush and green--I hope there is some sunshine coming your way soon so you can get outside to enjoy the flowers and scenery! So nice to have colourful projects to work on when it is dull outside.

  7. The embroidery for the crib quilt is coming along. This baby quilt is going to be such a lovely gift for the new grandchild. The red & white hexies looks so cute, you're doing a good job with your hand quilting. Happy stitching!

  8. How I wish we could have some of your rain. We had some in Nov/Dec, and that is it. We are on level 2 drought precautions now, meaning I can only water on Mondays! Hope you get a break soon. Your hexies and stitching are lovely!

  9. Your baby cross stitch just gets cuter and cuter with each new week. Your hexies, too are looking fabulous. All that rain. You must be sick of it, though I can imagine how green and lush everything is.

  10. Weather is crazy. You are making good use of your cloudy day stitching while coloring your world. Very nice projects!

  11. Sorry for the soggy summer. Hopefully you'll get a few sunny days before winter really sets in. Your hexie project is gorgeous! Love the red and white colorway. Happy stitching this week.

  12. Wow, still raining! That is quite amazing. My garden would like some of that now. It is drying out and looking a bit parched.

    You are making nice progress on your projects. The jungle cross stitch looks cuter all the time, as you add the outlines.


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