

domingo, 23 de outubro de 2022

Autumn Stamp Collection - terminado

Durante esta semana a melhor forma para relaxar foi bordando.

Terminei o projeto de Outono em plena primavera! 
Foi delicioso acrescentar cada ponto cruz neste projeto. 

Como vocês podem ver eu mudei a posição dos selos, por minha conta e risco e no lugar do esquilo central, do original de Melisa, eu bordei o selo extra que ela disponibilizou, com a pera.

Ah, eu estou apaixonada por meu Autumn Stamp Collection! Obrigada Melisa, por este maravilhoso projeto!

Agora só falta acrescentar minha assinatura.

Agora que removi o Autumn Stamp Collection do frame, coloquei o bordado de Natal, Santa Has a Teddy, Too. O bordado é pequeno e foi super agradável bordá-lo por alguns minutos durante a semana.

Aqui o início semana passada:

e aqui como está hoje:

Para quem gosta de bordado livre e de bordado misterioso, Joy MacDonald do blog Days Filled with Joy está iniciando um novo mistério semanal no tema Outono: Mystery Autumn Stitch Along. Cada novo passo ficará disponível grátis durante 1 mês.  Caso queiram dar uma olhadinha deixo o link pra vocês.

Bons Pontinhos!
Compartilhando com Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching, e
Kate em 15 Minutes to Stitch

15 comentários:

  1. Your autumn cross stitch has turned out beautifully (Melissa designs some great patterns) Santa is coming along nicely too. I will check out that link thanks.

  2. Your Autumn stitchery looks so nice, how are you going to finish it? Have fun stitching Santa!

  3. a lot of stitching going on at your house - fall and winter you will be ready no matter the season

  4. I love how your Autumn cross stitch turned out. I forget you are in springtime now! Enjoy working on Santa.

  5. Congratulations on the beautiful finish!

  6. Absolutely love your Autumn Stamps stitch! It is inspiring to keep on stitching mine! The Santa is going to be really cute! Looking forward to seeing your progress!

  7. The Autumn cross-stitch is lovely, Ivani! I like that pear in the center. Enjoy your new project - looks like Santa is taking shape quickly!

  8. Congratulation on finishing your Autumn project. It looks great! Santa is coming along well, too.

  9. Your autumn cross stitch is wonderful! Love the pear. Now, on to Christmas stitching! Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  10. Aaah Ivani, your Autumn Stamp Collection is so beautiful . I love the pear as the center block. Thank you so much for stitching along with me. Your Santa is also amazing. I look forward to seeing your progress on this one. Happy stiching.

  11. Love it! Saw Melissa's pattern earlier in the season so love seeing your finish of it. Kudos!

  12. Your Autumn stamp project is beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing more of Santa. Have a great week.

  13. Such a beautiful finish with your cross stitch, well done!

  14. Congrats on a very pretty finish. The Santa stitchery is coming along beautifully. I've not done counted cross stitch in years, but I remember how much time it takes to see progress, even on a small project. Happy stitching this week.


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