

sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2023

Blocos de Migalhas - Azul

Há um mês que aqui nas montanhas, chove diariamente, somando as poucas horas de sol não chegamos a um total de 4 dias ensolarados. E sem sol as temperaturas continuam amenas, na casa dos 20ºC. Verão muito estranho este.

Está difícil ver o azul do céu,que insiste em ficar cinza.  Quinta-feira no no final da tarde um pequeno pedaço de arco-iris surgiu. O Sol quase se pondo estava abaixo das cinzentas nuvens de chuva.

Angela escolheu a cor azul vibrante e escuro para o mês de Janeiro no desafio Rainbow Scrap Challenge, estou  usando também meus retalhos azul claro, conforme expliquei semana passada.

Esta semana, pequei todos as migalhas e pequenos retalhos na cor azul  assim como parte orfãs de blocos feitos anteriormente e fui unindo um ao outro e ao outro, até ter blocos com 6,5".  Eu precisava de algo bem relaxante, depois de Domingo passado, assim como meu país eu também precisava juntar os cacos. 

Foram várias horas pedalando minha Vigorelli - Treadle sewing machine.

15 blocos ficaram prontos e estão no Design Wall

Foi muito bom usar retalhos super pequenos que iriam parar no lixo para fazer estes blocos. Além de evitar o acúmulo do lixo textil, agora tenho blocos únicos.

Encontrei também alguns losangos que sobraram de um topo que montei anos atrás e que estavam junto com as migalhas azuis , pretendo criar algo  e uní-los durante a próxima semana.

Compartilhando com:
Angela em Rainbow Scrap Challenge
Frédérique em Patchwork & Quilts
Cynthia em Oh Scrap!

24 comentários:

  1. I love your scrappy blue blocks--so pretty and unique; nice work ;)))
    hugs, Julierose

  2. a lot of good sewing for you. I hope your country is picking up the pieces I have not seen anything on the news this last couple days about it.

  3. Nice blocks, a great way to use up scraps!

  4. I've been thinking about you while reading about what's happening there. Glad that you are okay and doing well. What fun little blocks with those crumbs! I would never guess that they were all made from leftovers. Take care and have a good week.

  5. Your blue blocks are quite lovely. I also like using every last scrap if I can!

  6. Beautiful splash of a rainbow! You made really good use of all those small scraps. Looking forward to seeing the end project.

  7. Great use of your Dark and Bright BLUE scraps, Ivani!! I'm particularly fond on the Crumb blocks, but String piecing can be SEW satisfying, as well.

  8. I've been thinking of you as I watched the news. I hope the process of sewing and creating has helped. Your crumbs are lovley and those diamonds are adorable. I can't wait to see what you make with them.

  9. Dear Ivani,
    I love the creative way you are using all the crumbs and using a treadle machine. You can sew even when the power goes out. We have had grey skies for almost a month now, we woke up to sunshine this morning. Yesterday it snowed. So we are very happy to see the sunshine even though it is cold here. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Lots of interesting blue pieces! Happy sewing.

  11. I totally understand why you would need and want some calming sewing after the political turmoil there. Don’t our political leaders know that stirring up violent mobs does not help them in the long term? I’m sorry the USA set such a bad example!

    Your scrappy crumb blocks are wonderful. Sewing crumbs together is so satisfying, isn’t it! 😘

  12. So many beautiful blue fabrics that you are using to piece such lovely blocks. I hope you have a very productive and blessed weekend, Ivani.

  13. Lots if pretty blues here I do like the lozenge locks too.

  14. We have had a lot of gray sky days here too. The sun was finally out yesterday. Love your blue crumb blocks. I need to do something like that too. My blue scraps are exploding out of the bin! I’m sorry there has been so much unrest in your country. I hope and pray for better days ahead.

  15. Your crumb blocks are so pretty! I love all those blues together. The blue diamonds are fun, too - looking forward to seeing what you do with them!

  16. Translate wouldn't work for me, so hope all is well with you and yours. Love those blue blocks too.

  17. I'm anxious to see what you make with your blue strings!

  18. Your scrappy blue blocks are beautiful, Ivani!

  19. There is something about creating your own fabric that is calming. Your one of a kind blocks are so fun and interesting!

  20. Thats a great collection of scrappy blocks. xx

  21. Crumb blocks are such a nice way to use up everything. Great progress with your blues.

  22. Look at all those pretty crumb blocks! I loved the peek at your mountains. :)


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