

sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2023


Esta semana estive rodeada por retalhos florais, e decidi iniciar um novo bloco para ser feito no desafio Rainbow Scrap Challenge -2023. Separei os que continham a cor de janeiro - Azul escuro e vibrante, que é a cor escolhida por Angela para usarmos em Janeiro.

Como já comentei com vocês antes, meu objetivo  é fazer blocos simples e rápidos, para que eu possa ter mais tempo para dar andamento em alguns Ufos.

O bloco escolhido esta semana, estou chamando de ZIP, pode ser que você o conheça por outro nome.  Fiz o bloco no Eletric Quilt baseado em um quilt que vi na internet.

Tamanho final do bloco 6" X 4" (15,24cm X 10,16cm)  , optei por este tamanho para poder usar as tiras de retalhos pequenos.

Para cada bloco estou usando: 

A - 
Tira com 9"  de retalho floral com 2,5"  de largura,
     cortar 2 retângulos de 4,5" cada, e 

B - Tira com 5"  de tecido bege liso com 2,5"  de largura,
     cortar 2 quadrados de 2,5"  cada.

Os losângos que encontrei e mostrei pra vocês semana passada, foram unidos formando um losângo maior.

Espero que vocês tenham se sentido  felizes com seus retalhos azuis.

Compartilhando com:
Angela em Rainbow Scrap Challenge
Frédérique em Patchwork & Quilts
Cynthia em Oh Scrap!

21 comentários:

  1. Pretty blues! Simple blocks are often the best. I love the Lozenges block, so pretty in blues.

  2. Great use of your blue scraps. I never seem to run out of blue scraps!

  3. The Zip blocks look good together! That will be another lovely rainbow quilt.

  4. The Zip block does look like fast quilt, very cute. The diamond looks interesting, happy stitching!

  5. Simple blocks in a rainbow of colors make such nice quilts. Looks like you are off to a great start with your blues.

  6. looks like fast blocks to make - blue is one fabric I always seem to have

  7. I like the Zip blocks, Ivani! Your photo of them showing from light to dark is so pretty. And the lozenges put together form a neat design, too! Maybe they will become your January tablescraps?

  8. What a great block to use up those odds and ends in your scrap bin. Happy stitching.

  9. Pretty Zip blocks, Lovely pattern, and fabrics! I love your blue diamond too!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up ;)

  10. Zip is a fun easy block, just right for RSC each month.

  11. The Zip blocks will make a great rainbow quilt-- or two!

  12. Nicely done. The Zip blocks are a good instant-gratification block. I really like that big scrappy blue lozenge.

  13. Cute block, and it looks like a z! And I love the big lozenge too!

  14. Your big blue lozenge blocks sparkle! I like your plan to make larger simpler blocks to use scraps and to give you more time to work on UFOs.

  15. Zip looks great. It will be fast and easy -- except the cutting no doubt. Thanks for info on how to make it.

  16. A new use for 2 x 4 inch rectangles I haven't seen before. I like it! There sure are lots of ways to use them.

  17. There are so many ways to use those 2 x 4 inch rectangles. I haven't seen this one before, but I like it!

  18. Pretty blocks,I've never heard of this one,I think it's going toske a beautiful quilt can't wait to see more colors

  19. Pretty BLUE blocks, Ivani! Will you be doing the ABC (Table) SCRAPS Challenge this year? I'd love to see what you come up with for C,R, and/or J!


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