

sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2023


Todas as vezes que estou unindo estas pequenas migalhas, montando Blocos de Migalhas,  sempre penso que é como se eu estivesse juntando os pequenos cacos de mim mesmo.

Muitos pequenos caquinhos, caquinhos sem cor,  caquinhos feios e caquinhos imperfeitos com alguns outros mais bonitos, coloridos, vibrantes e perfeitos, todos costurados ao longo da caminhada e que formaram algo único e especial.

Muitos pequenos retalhos, alguns que eu ainda nem encontrei, que nem me dei conta que eles existem, mas que serão encontrados um dia. Porque os retalhos, parecem que se multiplicam e que não tem fim.

E assim acabo me reconhecendo em cada pequeno bloco de migalhas, porque eu também sou feita de retalhos.

Ainda sobraram algumas migalhas cor de rosa e talvez mais alguns blocos sejam montados até o final do mês.

Esta nova coleção de Blocos Crumbs de 6" teve início final do ano passado. Estes são os que fiz este ano.

Eu também sou feita de retalhos - parte 1 pode ser encontrada AQUI.

Compartilhando com:
Angela em Rainbow Scrap Challenge 
Frédérique em Patchwork & Quilts
Cynthia em Oh Scrap! 

15 comentários:

  1. Playing with scraps does bring back lots of memories, that piece was in a quilt for a special person, that piece was in a project that gave me fits, that piece is in from a project that's not finished yet. Love the blue with the pinks. Hopefully you've been able to tame your scrap bins a bit from all that stitching.

  2. Pretty pink crumb blocks (and the blues) Ivani! Feels good using up those small bits and pieces, doesn't it? Have a great weekend!

  3. So many crumb blocks!!! Great saves of scraps for a pretty future quilt!!!

  4. These are beautiful crumb blocks, with great variety. And I love your descriptions! Enjoy the weekend!

  5. Your crumb blocks are so fun, Ivani! I love looking at all those little bits, too - I found some cute owls among other things. The blue and pink are pretty together!

  6. Ivani, aren't crumb blocks wonderful when all put togeter into a magical sequence? Looks great !

  7. Your PINK Crumb blocks are SEW much fun, Ivani!! I love making something from nothing and Crumb blocks are the ultimate definition of thrifty. Happy quilting! :o))

  8. I love crumb blocks. Don't you feel frugal using every last bit? And it is so much fun to look at all the different fabrics!

  9. great crumb blocks - I love making them and using the smallest pieces

  10. love your crumbs! each one brings back a special memory of a quilt made. :)

  11. Beautiful crumb blocks! So many fabric memories contained in each block. True that there are a lot of pieces to each one of us!

  12. The blocks look so effective. What a great way to use those crumbs. Maybe I need to do something similar with mine.

  13. Lovely pink and blue crumb quilts. So much fun to play with our scraps.

  14. Sewing little and tiny fabric pieces into something big and great is wonderful! Yes, we are made of little pieces too, and the finish is beautiful, just like your blocks. I love your crumb blocks!
    Thank you so much for sharing, and linking up.


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