

domingo, 5 de fevereiro de 2023

O acolchoamento continua

Primeiro Domingo de Fevereiro, e estou aqui  mais uma vez para falar  sobre  projetos feitos a mão que envolvem fios e agulha,  afinal Domingo é dia de Slow Sunday Stitching.

Durante esta  semana continuei acolchoando a mão o painel Christmastime, enquanto assisto TV no final da tarde, gosto de ter um trabalho manual em mãos. 

Os dois entremeios horizontais entre os blocos 1 e 3, e os blocos 2 e 4  foram acolchoados, com o padrão Irish Cable.

Na vertical entre os blocos da direita e da esquerda usei apenas o padrão menor, já que a área do entremeio é mais estreita.

Para a borda, inspirada pelo padrão Twinkling Stars, que encontrei na página 23, do Livro 501 Quilting Motifs, desenhei em uma divisória plástica de pasta universitária as estrelas. E depois recortei com uma tesoura para fazer o gabarito. 

Este gabarito será usado para marcar  o padrão ao redor de toda borda, com a caneta FrixionAs estrelas serão unidas umas as outras por 2 linhas estreitíssimas. 

Feliz Domingo e bons pontinhos.

Compartilhando com:
Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching
Kate em 15 Minutes to Stich

19 comentários:

  1. Your hand quilting is beautiful Ivani! Love how it's coming along. Great idea making your own template.

  2. Your quilting stitches looks so good, you've come a long way in the last several years. Happy stitching!

  3. The horizontal Irish Cable pattern between those pretty blocks really pops. Your quilting, Ivani, is looking fabulous. It's good to have something to stitch while watching TV, isn't it?

  4. The quilting looks great! You've been moving along on with this project. How much do you have left to quilt?

  5. I love that Irish Cable pattern. I like that you made your own star stencil for the edge. Your quilting is very pretty. Enjoy your stitching!

  6. Your hand quilting is looking lovely! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished quilt

  7. Your hand quilting is beautiful, Ivani!!;)) This will be such a lovely piece...
    Nice work hugs, Julierose

  8. such pretty hand stitching. enjoy your Sunday

  9. Your handquilting is beautiful! I'm also really impressed with the stencil you made. Cutting those out with scissors is hard and yours looks perfect.

  10. Oh it's so pretty! I love the designs you have chosen! I was going to machine quilt my mystery but now that I have seen how lovely it is hand quilted, I may change my mind!

  11. Your cable quilting design is so pretty, Ivani! Enjoy your stitching today!

  12. Beautiful quilting, you are really progressing!

  13. Beautiful hand quilting. I love how you made your template.

  14. What a pretty way to quilt the sashing! Lovely!

  15. Lovely hand quilting, you seem to be near the end on this.

  16. Your quilting is so beautiful, Ivani. I am going to have to check out this book ; it looks very interesting . Happy quilting.

  17. Beautiful work. I would never be game enough to hand quilt something.


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