

sábado, 4 de março de 2023

Little Bricks - green and black

Somente na Quinta feira à noite (horário do Brasil), Angela anunciou que em Março deveríamos usar a cor verde.

Antes disso acontecer, e para não ficar parada pois já tinha completado todos os blocos cor de rosa de Fevereiro,  peguei os retalhos  Cinza & Pretos e fiz 8 blocos Little Bricks.  

Estou seguindo o tutorial feito por Sylvia  do blog Treadlestitches, para a montagem dos blocos Little Bricks.

A quantidade e a variedade dos retalhos verdes temáticos que tenho são poucos e  foram suficientes para fazer somente  4 blocos.

Termino a semana com o Design wall assim:

12 blocos Little Bricks

Feliz Final de Semana!

Compartilhando com:
Angela em Rainbow Scrap Challenge - 2023
Frédérique em  Patchwork & Quilts
Cynthia em Oh Scrap!

11 comentários:

  1. I had just happened to pull the color green for some of my diamonds so I was on track too

  2. You are smart to work with other colors in between “official” color announcements. I need to follow your example. Like you and Jenny from NZ, I love Sylvia’s Little Bricks blocks. Have a great week, Ivani!

  3. These bricks are perfectly scrappy and wonderful to work in the colour of the month.

  4. Those little bricks are cute in every color, Ivani! I love looking at the prints - like the little robots. So fun!

  5. Thise little bricks are nice simple blocks to make indeed.

  6. Those brick blocks look great in every color, and when you put them together they're going to be spectacular. Have a good week!

  7. I need to pull out my green and make my block. Love your scrappy blocks.

  8. Very fun blocks! Sounds like you had a chance to catch up before getting going on the March stitching.

  9. Those little brick blocks are looking great. I like the contrast in the black fabrics blocks. You are wise to sew some extra ones while you waited for the color announcement.

  10. Fun green blocks! Little robots are so cute ;)
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up!


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