

domingo, 23 de abril de 2023

Quase terminando

Ontem passei o dia, curtindo meu netinho.   
Na cidade onde eles moram as temperaturas são sempre mais altas do que aqui onde moramos, e passamos um dia super agradável na companhia deles.
Ele gostou da almofada Bunny Bloom e da fronha com coelhinhos e nós brincamos bastante, li vários livros de histórinhas pra ele. Foi um dia maravilhoso, é sempre bom estar com a família reunida. 

Estou quase terminando o bordado livre BELIEVE in Yourself, na verdade eu pretendia ter terminado, mas não deu, faltam apenas alguns pequenos detalhes.

Preparei o barrado de uma toalha de banho para iniciar um novo bordado em ponto cruz, que começará a ser bordado na sequência.

Desejo um feliz Domingo para todos. Bons pontinhos!

Compartilhando com:
Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching
Kate em 15 minutes to Stitch

13 comentários:

  1. What a great picture of you and your grandson, Ivani! Looks like he has really grown. Your Believe embroidery is beautiful! It will be a great accomplishment to finish that one up.

  2. There is nothing like spending the day with your grandson. Such an adorable photo of you two, Ivani. Your Believe stitchery is looking amazing. Enjoy your day.

  3. Looks like you had a fun time with your little grandson! Gorgeous embroidery! I am in awe!

  4. Great picture of you and your grandson. I love your Believe embroidery, great work!

  5. I love the photo of you and your grandson. Your stitchery is very pretty!

  6. so nice to spend time with grandchildren!

  7. Aren’t grandchildren the best? How I love mine!
    Lovely stitching! So colorful!
    Happy Stitching!

  8. The photo of you and your grandson is so special, you both have happy smiling faces.

  9. Sounds like a wonderful day with your gorgeous grandson!

    Your embroidery is looking beautiful.

  10. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Your embroidery is looking good. Enjoy your stitching time this week.

  11. Spending time with a grandchild is the best! Your Believe continues to bloom beauty!

  12. Great photo of you two and you both look like you are having fun. Well worth a day without stitching. Is your bath towel one made for embroidery or just a regular store bought towel? It will be beautiful.


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