

domingo, 6 de março de 2022

Manta de bebê terminada

Estou muito feliz por ter terminado a manta de bebê antes do nascimento, que está previsto para daqui a 21 dias.

Confesso que no início devido ao problema no pescoço, cheguei a pensar que eu não conseguiria.
Estou muito feliz por ter conseguido.

Esta semana terminei de bordar o corpo da girafa e os contornos restantes 

Na assinatura está escrito: 

com Amor
vovó IVANI

Como já comentei anteriormente meu avesso não é perfeito, mas procuro bordar o mais limpo possível, sem deixar fios soltos  e passando de um lado para o outro. Para vocês verem como ficou:

A primeira postagem que fiz sobre a mantinha do bebê foi em  Janeiro/2022 e pode ser vista

Continuei acolchoando a mão o centro de mesa feito em hexágonos formando rosetas vermelhas e brancas. Iniciei a ultima volta. Das  18 rosetas restantes acolchoei metade de 8, deixei a última carreira de hexágonos para  serem acolchoadas no final.

Desejo uma feliz e produtiva semana para todos. Paz no Mundo.

Em conexão com:
Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching
Kate em 15 Minutes to Stitch

18 comentários:

  1. The baby blanket is so cute, well done on completing it, I can't believe that you managed to finish it so quickly. I hope your neck problems are better, I have the same problem and it seems to come and go. The hexagon centrepiece is lovely. Have a peaceful Sunday. xx

  2. The beautiful baby blanket is adorable, Ivani. All those sweet animals make me smile. Love the cute hippopotamus. Why, the back is very tidy....it looks like the front. Only 21 days to go....how exciting!

  3. That baby blanket is adorable. I am sure it will be a well loved heirloom. I bet you can't wait to meet your grandchild! Your quilting on the hexagons is so pretty. Enjoy your stitching!

  4. it turned out really great - I'm sure baby and parents will love it!

  5. Ivani, the baby blanket is beautiful, and even the back of it looks perfect! My favorite is the giraffe. You finished it quickly, and I'm so happy for you!

  6. The embroidered baby quilt is so beautiful! I love the quilting on your hexies, they looks so cute, happy stitching!

  7. Congratulations on finishing the baby blanket before the baby arrived! I'm usually finishing up way past the baby's arrival!

  8. Your cross stitch is gorgeous and made with lots of grandma love! Can I also say the back of your project is pretty amazing too!!!

  9. Your baby blanket is adorable, front and back! Love seeing your red and white hexies! Great work!

  10. The baby blanket is gorgeous, made with love by a wonderful grandmother! I have so enjoyed seeing you work away on this.

  11. Ivani, the baby cross-stitch design is just adorable! You do an amazing job making the back look so good! Congratulations on finishing it in plenty of time.

  12. How exciting that the baby will be here in 3 weeks! What a beautiful blanket you have embroidered for the baby! Your stitching is very neat and tidy, on the front and the back!
    The red and white hexie project is lovely!
    Happy stitching to you.
    Continuing to pray for the people of the Ukraine.

  13. Congratulations on finished the baby blanket with a few days to spare. I’m glad your neck was better. A sweet design and your stitches are perfect. The back looks great to me. I was taught the back should be as neat as the front.

  14. Such a sweet baby blanket, Ivani. It has been a joy to watch this piece come alive. The little hippo is too cute. Your hexis look great. Have a very lovely week. Happy quilting.

  15. Beautiful baby cross stitch. The back is so neat and the new baby will enjoy the love you embroidered on the blanket. Your hexie quilt looks great. Have a fun week.

  16. The baby blanket is so cute! Congratulations on getting it done in plenty of time.

  17. The baby blanket is really cute, the back looks really clean. Congrats on getting it finished before the due date!


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