

sábado, 5 de março de 2022

Para Março Amarelo

Novo mês, nova cor.
Angela escolheu a cor amarelo, para os participantes do Rainbow Scrap Challenge, em Março.

Assim que soube, separei todos os retalhos. 

Parecem muitos, mas a variedade é pouca. E será com eles que estarei fazendo blocos este mês para completar as coleções iniciadas em anos anteriores.

E a coleção de blocos escolhida para esta semana, foi  a dos blocos TALKIN' TURKEY (Perú falante) com 12 polegadas (aproximadamente 30 cm). Aqui a primeira postagem referente a esta coleção.

Fiz apenas 1 bloco.

Para esta coleção meu objetivo é ter 3 blocos de cada cor, ao final deste ano.

Minha coleção agora contem 3 blocos nas cores: vermelho, ciano e amarelo; e 2 blocos na cor rosa.

Uni todos os blocos do Positiviy Quilt.

Como fiz os blocos com tecidos florais variados, nada mais justo do que tirar algumas fotos no jardim, concordam?

E voando com o vento. 

Sobre os últimos acontecimentos mundiais. Vocês sabem onde os meus  pensamentos estão, e sei também onde  estão os pensamentos de vocês enquanto vamos acompanhando as notícias devastadoras da invasão russa sobre a Ucrânia.  

Impossível não se colocar no lugar dessas pessoas e todo drama que estão vivendo. 

Creio que poderemos usar alguns de nossos retalhos amarelos e azuis  em:

Quilters Stand for Ukarine lançado esta semana por Pat Sloan

PDF grátis com instruções.

E  Bonnie Hunter, Hearts of Hope Sew Along:

Em conexão com:
Angela em Rainbow Scrap Challenge
Frédérique em Patchwork & Quilts
Cynthia em Oh Scrap!

21 comentários:

  1. Your blocks are daffodil fresh!!! Beautiful photos in the garden!!!

  2. Hi Ivani - very pretty yellow blocks! I hope the sunniness of yellow brightens your month and your rain is over. Thank you for the link to the Pat Sloan Ukraine block! I have started a blue and yellow quilt too. I think it helps us feel we are at least supporting the Ukrainians in spirit.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. all of your blocks are looking really good - great work - yes thinking of Ukraine I am reading the news off and on all day lately!

  4. I love your yellow talking turkeye blocks!! That is going to make a very cool quilt!!

  5. I love seeing your talking turkey blocks, Ivani! So pretty in yellow. Great job getting your Positivity blocks sewn together and out in the yard for photos, too. Ukraine is definitely on all our minds - it's a horrifying situation.

  6. Your lovely yellow blocks are like little suns! They shine and make joy into the heart. The Positivity quilt is fabulous in the garden, great photos!
    Thank you for sharing your work and the useful links, and linking up today ;)

  7. I see some sunshine in your pictures! It must have stopped raining! Lovely blocks. Yes…we are all thinking about and praying for the people of the Ukraine.

  8. Love your Talking Turkey blocks and the Positivity Quilt is Positively Gorgeous. Well done for showcasing Pat Sloan’s and Bonnie Hunter’s block ideas for supporting Ukraine.

  9. Your quilt top looks right at home wafting in the breeze in your garden, and your Turkey blocks look great. I'm sure I have some blue and yellow blocks tucked away somewhere, I must hunt them out.

  10. Very cheerful yellow blocks! And congratulations on getting the Positivity quilt together, too. It looks lovely in your garden. Let's all pray that the situation in Ukraine is over before long, too.

  11. Your yellow blocks are shining bright! And that Positivity top looks lovely in the garden!
    Wishing strength and hope for the people of Ukraine.

  12. I LOVE your yellows! The scrappy block is wonderful. The Positivity top finished beautifully too.

  13. Beautiful yellow blocks and your Positivity quilt top looks wonderful!

  14. A beautiful positivity quilt, in a beautiful garden! Love the yellow flowers. And of course I love your Talkin Turkey blocks with all those pretty scraps! Thank you so much for the links to the sew alongs.

  15. love your yellows and the plus block quilt!

  16. Your positively finish is wonderful and your yellow talking turkey block glows! I too have little yellow; but, later today, I'm planning to try to squeeze out a block for the RSC!

  17. Talking Turkey is such a pretty block! I’m looking forward to seeing all the blocks together! It’s sure to be gorgeous! Love your floral positivity quilts another beautiful quilt!

  18. Thanks for sharing all those pretty projects with Oh Scrap! I will have to go check out the heart project!

  19. Your yellow Talking Turkey blocks look lovely and sunny. The positivity top looks beautiful in the garden.

  20. Thank you for sharing several ideas for how quilters can separate humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. Love the Turkey Talk'n block pattern. Great choice for the RSC.


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