sábado, 19 de junho de 2021

Fora do Centro

Estamos vivendo fora do centro!
Tem uma pandemia lá fora, e é inacreditável tudo que estamos vivendo por aqui.

Má gestão, com crise na saúde, crise sócio economia, e crise na política.
Seria tão mais fácil se as pessoas que dirigem o país ouvissem o que diz a ciência e incentivassem as pessoas a fazer o mesmo. É um descaso total. Por isso neste final de semana, muito provavelmente estaremos atingindo a triste marca oficial de 500.000 vidas perdidas para o COVID-19. 

Em tendência de alta de mortes. Ontem, o número de casos foi o record desde o início da Pandemia, somos atualmente o primeiro país com maior média móvel de mortes diárias no mundo. Os hospitais estão lotados. 

Enquanto muitos países no mundo estão voltando ao normal com boa parte da população vacinada, nós por enquanto estamos caminhando a passos lentos na vacinação. Por que? Porque  não foi comprado vacinas na época certa. A campanha de vacinação foi iniciada em meados de Janeiro e as vacinas estão sendo aplicadas aos poucos, conforme são recebidas ou ficam prontas, por isso até o momento apenas 11,41% da população recebeu as duas doses e 29,21% recebeu a primeira dose.

Tento com todas as minhas forças pensar em outras coisas, em coisas boas e positivas, em meus artesanatos (Patchwork, crochê, ponto cruz e bordado livre). Mas não dá pra ser Poliana o tempo todo.  Não está tudo bem... a vida está fora do centro. Fica difícil ver a luz no final do túnel e manter a esperança em alta. 

Amanhã é aniversário de meu filho e vamos nos ver pelo segundo ano via vídeo. É o que temos por enquanto.

Esta semana fiz 4 blocos Cabana de toras fora de centro para montar 1 bloco Beads com 16 polegadas.

A variedade e a quantidade de tiras na cor púrpura com 2,5" não permitiram que eu fizesse 2 blocos, como fiz nos demais meses para o desafio RSC-21. O bom, é que nada me impede de fazer mais um bloco assim que eu tiver mais retalhos na cor púrpura, mesmo que já estivermos trabalhando com outra cor, certo?

Esta é uma colagem  das fotos dos blocos feitos de Janeiro a Junho para a coleção de blocos Beads:

Feliz Final de semana!
Se cuidem!!
Tudo isso vai passar!

Estou em coneção com:
Angela em Rainbow Scrap Challenge - 2021
Frédérique em Patchwork & Quilts
Cynthia em Oh Scrap!

19 comentários:

Gretchen Weaver disse...

I'm so sorry your country is still in the thralls of the pandemic. It's so hard to see the problems happening. It's hard to stay home and isolate all the time when you want to have a life again!

I enjoy reading your posts about all of your projects. Your purple bead is pretty, the purples are a nice variety of shades. Your quilt is going to be lovely. Happy stitching!

grammajudyb disse...

I’m so sorry for you having to celebrate your son’s birthday via video again! It’s hard! If you would send me your mailing address, I’d like to send you a packet of purple strips! As you can see by my post, no shortage of purple here! 2.5” correct?
I always enjoy your posts and your kind comments!

LIttle Penguin Quilts disse...

I was reading about Brazil in our newspaper this morning and thought of you, Ivani. Stay safe! I love your off center log cabins, especially seeing all the ones you've made together!

Deb A disse...

You have some lovely purples! I really hope things turn around soon for your country. Stay safe and hopefully the therapy of crafting will help.

Cathy disse...

Ivani, my heart goes out to you and your family. I know how hard it is to only see loved ones via computer. Why is it that there are always so many incompetent and negative politicians in power who make things worse for the average people like us? I hope you and your family can be vaccinated soon. Stay safe and healthy.

Your log cabin block is lovely! You have a beautiful collection of blocks!

Quilter Kathy disse...

I'm so sorry for all that is happening in your country. What a scary time for everyone. Canada is slowly emerging from that crisis and I just hope things will improve soon for you too. It's hard to be apart from family but hope you can enjoy a video visit with your son. And enjoy your sewing to keep you well.

Marly disse...

I too think of you every time that I hear on the news broadcasts about the situation in Brazil, and see photos of the emergency cemeteries. We now hear the same story from your neighbouring country, and our former colony, Suriname. Emergency supplies have been sent and medical teams here have volunteered to help in the hospitals there. They only form a drop in the ocean of what's needed. Is Brazil receiving crisis help from outside, from the UN, for instance, or from Portugal? It's time some politicians woke up to what the word pandemic means, or rather should have woken up some eighteen months ago!
I love your blocks, they are going to make such a cheerful quilt. Keep thinking positive thoughts and keep safe.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts disse...

Stay safe, Ivani! I love the progress you are making on your off center log cabins!

sue s disse...

I am so sorry you are going through this. Since we too had political issues I can empathize with you. Try to stay positive, enjoy your son by video, and eventually the world will be done with this .

Jenny disse...

Its aterrible time for the world, but some countries, like yours Ivani, have things so much worse. Do keep safe inside as best you can, working on your beautiful blocks and other handcrafts.

Mari disse...

Oh, Ivani, my heart goes out to you. Truly. It's so hard when you can't see your family, you can't go out, and you feel like you can't do anything. It looks like you are staying positive with the stitching, andyway. I hope it's some comfort, and I'm sorry that you all have to go through this still. It will get better. I hope you have a vaccine soon!

gayle disse...

Hang in there and stay safe! My heart goes out to you! (I've been very grateful this last year and a half that video exists at all. It doesn't enable us to hug our loved ones, but at least we can see their faces and hear their voices!)

Vireya disse...

Your Bead blocks look lovely, Ivani.

Happy birthday to your son! I'm sorry that you can't see him in person again this year.

It is heart-breaking to think of all those families who have lost loved ones during the pandemic.

Astrid disse...

I read about C-19 in your country a couple of days ago, it's heart breaking! Stay safe Ivani! Hugs to you. Pretty purple block and so are the other rainbow blocks.

Chantal disse...

I can so relate and feel for you. We've been in hard lockdown since March and every time we got closer to the date of lifting the lockdown, they would postpone it. it was so disheartening. But at least we don't have all the other issues your country has. It must be so hard and frightful too. So many deaths. It's a shame for sure. At least you have some hobbies to keep your mind busy and yes, you can make a purple block in any month of the year. Hope things turn for the better soon. Hang in there. ;^)

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué disse...

Your blocks are lovely, and I hope they will continue to help you to think about everything except the pandemy.
Happy birthday to your son ;)
Take care and stay healthy.

Bonnie disse...

I saw the 500,000 number on the news this weekend. Please stay safe. Luckily we had a change of administration here in the USA so science is being followed. Many are getting vaccinated but a good number of people are refusing to. Heaven help us when the India variant goes wild here. I'm hoping it doesn't. I love your RSC 21 blocks. The purple is wonderful. I am partial to purple but just got around making my blocks this week. I think June is purple so we still have some time to work on them. Take care.

Susie H disse...

I will keep my thoughts to myself as I realize this is your blog. *wink* However, I am always saddened to hear about the loss of life, no matter the cause or how many. Your purple bead block is really pretty. Try to keep your thoughts sunny.

The Joyful Quilter disse...

What a nice selection of PURPLE scraps in your block for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, Ivana! I need to take some time this week to make my block. We'll see if that actually happens!