domingo, 13 de março de 2022

Acolchoando devagar

Esta semana tive uma consulta médica de rotina e quando o consultório médico fica dentro de um parque, é possível apreciar as belezas naturais e agradecer pela vida.

Principalmente porque além de ainda estarmos em meio a uma Pandemia, uma situação de Guerra está abalando todo o planeta. Estamos mortificados pelas imagens das atrocidades que estão ocorrendo na Ucrânia.

Por aqui as máscaras passaram a ser facultativas ao ar livre, embora ainda sejam registrados em torno de 500 mortes diariamente, em todo país. Os hospitais não estão tão cheios e cerca de 78% da população vacinável já  recebeu 2 doses da vacina,e quase 43% recebeu a dose de reforço.

Por pertencer a um dos grupos de risco, continuarei a usá-las, pois creio que minha vida continua valendo muito. Não quero arriscar. Infelizmente a Pandemia ainda não acabou e hoje o Brasil atingiu a marca de  655.000 mortes desde o início há 2 anos atrás.

Mais alguns poucos dias e o Outono terá início.
Nos últimos dias pudemos curtir um pouco os dias quentes e ensolarados,  a chuva deu uma trégua embora ainda tenha chovido em alguns momentos. 

Quem mora no hemisfério norte se prepara para dar as boas vindas aos dias quentes e nós que vivemos no hemisfério sul já temos que nos preparar para a chegada de dias frios. É a vida que segue  conforme os ciclos da natureza.

Cuidar da natureza é embelezar a vida

Mas, o mundo só irá mudar quando as pessoas mudarem. Mudarem suas atitudes e  colocarem amor em tudo que façam.

Esta semana continuei acolchoando a mão o centro de mesa com os hexâgonos.  

Agora o processo é um pouco mais demorado pois ao mesmo tempo que estou acolchoando a última volta de hexágonos estou também arrematando e fechando o trabalho.

Dos 60 hexágonos dessa última carreira, 10 foram acolchoados  e 14 arrematados.

Desejo um feliz e tranqüilo Domingo  para todos. PAZ

Em conexão com:
Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching, e
Kate em 15 minutes to Stitch

13 comentários:

CathieJ disse...

Oh I love the sentiment of putting love in everything that you do. The situation in Ukraine is heartbreaking. Your hexagon quilt is so pretty. My husband and I are also keeping our masks on indoors mainly so that we don't get sick and need to quarantine. We need to be available for our elderly mothers and we don't want to make them sick. We are all vaccinated and boosted. There are no indoor mask mandates here anymore and I really wish there were. Stay safe and enjoy your stitching.

Linda disse...

What a beautiful place to visit when you go see your doctor! Your hexagons are growing. It seems strange to me that our seasons are opposite! Hope you have a wonderful week Ivani.

Miaismine disse...

A doctor’s office inside a park sounds heavenly! Wow….just the atmosphere to bring down our blood pressure! 😊Yes, a war on top of a pandemic is a real nightmare. Our numbers are way down and the mask mandate has been lifted. I almost started planting and bringing my plants out of their temporary greenhouse and then it snowed! Only an inch or so, but I’m so glad I waited! Your hexagon project is so pretty with its hand quilting, lovely piecing and fabrics! Happy Stitching!

Karen - Quilts...etc. disse...

your hexies are looking really well. Your river is beautiful - your doctor's office is in a nice setting for sure. The deaths still seem to be high from the people that have been in the hospital for ages and ages from Covid but the cases have been dropping and dropping here - I keep track of it in our state so I know when to be more careful - sometimes I wear a mask but most of the time I no longer do - it depends on where I am - but mostly I am home it seems - I really don't go that many places.

Karrin Hurd disse...

Love seeing your hexies, you are making great progress. How I would love some of your rain. We haven't really had any since December, and we are on level 2 drought precautions. Can only water on Mondays. Hope you have a great week!

Quilter Kathy disse...

Your hexies are marvellous and so close to finishing!
YES.. love in everything we do!

LIttle Penguin Quilts disse...

Your hexie project is so beautiful, Ivani! Are you closing in the edges by folding them under? I saw Bonnie Hunter showing a method like that on her hexie quilt. I hope you feel peace as you stitch.

Jenny disse...

We can all take comfort in the beauty of nature, cant we. I've never done hexies, I imagine they are slow going to work on. Your project is looking great.

Kim disse...

Ivani, oh yes, love, love and then some more love in everything you do♡ I must say the natural beauty of your little corner of the world is astounding. I was only saying to my husband the other day that I haven't heard Covid as the main story on the news for a while. The devastating situation in Ukraine has completely wiped it off the TV. I still wear my mask, too. It is best to be safe. Your red and white hexie quilt is looking beautiful. Your quilting is giving your hexies such beautiful texture. Take care, lovely Ivani♡

Vireya disse...

Beautiful pictures from the park.
Best wishes for the coming week.

Birthe Marie disse...

Your hexagonquilt is gorgeous, and beautiful hand quilting! It's always nice when a project is nearing completion. Beautiful nature photos you share. Sad to read that so many have died of Covid in Brazil. Norway is a small country, and the authorities have handled the pandemic very well. we have been shut down for periods, but now society has reopened. Many have been infected now, but not many people die of Covid anymore in Norway. Everyone who wanted it, received three doses of vaccine. Happy stitching!

The Cozy Quilter disse...

Lovely quilting on your red and white hexagon quilt. The whole world is watching Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and hoping and praying for peace. This is a heartbreaking situation.
You have many projected to keep you busy. Have a wonderful week,

Kate disse...

Your hexies are looking good, the red and white is so striking. Happy stitching this week, I think we can all use a bit of sanity with all the nutty things going on in the world.