domingo, 12 de junho de 2022

O que eu fiz nos últimos 12 dias

Nos últimos 12 dias  estive cuidando da saúde. Em isolamento dentro de casa e usando máscara.
Infelizmente peguei Covid,  dentro da minha própria casa.
Nos dias que antecederam eu não havia entrado em contato pessoal com ninguém e nem tinha saído de casa. Isso é um pouco assustador e confesso que ainda estou me sentindo bastante insegura. Mas estou tentando encontrar o lado bom para não deixar que uma crise de pânico tome conta.

Graças a Deus e as vacinas  foi leve! 

Além do repouso e isolamento familiar, assisti TV, "maratonei" algumas séries no Netflix  e bordei nomes nos blocos de assinatura do projeto Love Quilts Brasil.

Iniciei também um casaquinho de bebê, para meu neto, com a lã Batik. 

Ainda estou na pala. 

Foi uma boa opção, mexer com lã para aquecer as mãos e enfrentar a nova onda de frio, desde Sexta-feira os dias tem sido bem escuros e gelados. 

Para esta semana estão previstas algumas ocorrências de geadas.

Hoje, aqui no Brasil é celebrado o Dia dos Namorados, ou o Dia do Amor.

Viva a vida, celebre com amor!  
Se cuidem... ainda não acabou.

Compartilhando com:
Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching
Kate en 15 Minutes to Stitch

10 comentários:

Preeti disse...

Oh Ivani, I am so sorry that you have been unwell. It is true that the vaccine helps and the effect is short and mild, but it is still inconvenient. You are remarkable to keep sewing and working on small projects. I wish you a speedy recovery. Hope you will soon be sewing up a storm. Big Hugs.

Kim disse...

How bizarre to catch COVID within your house?? Thank goodness for vaccines because from what I hear those who are vaccinated have been relatively okay. Love your little woolly for your grandson, Ivani. Love the colours of the yarns! Hoping you are feeling like your old self very soon. Take care, dear Ivani.

CathieJ disse...

Oh I am so sorry that you have been ill. I hope you recover completely very soon. I like that sweater you have started. The yarn is beautiful. Take care and keep warm. Happy Valentine's Day!

Deb A disse...

Oh no! I am so sorry you are ill. I hope the vaccine helped to make it lighter with the symptoms. Stay warm and take care of yourself.

LIttle Penguin Quilts disse...

I'm glad you felt well enough to do some stitching while you were quarantines, Ivani. The baby coat looks adorable!

Jill disse...

So sorry to learn that you've been ill. It's crazy. At least it was mild and hopefully no one else in the family was ill. You accomplished some stitching which is a good thing. Take Care!

Karrin Hurd disse...

Sorry to learn you had COVID. And I thank God and the vaccines too my case was light. It was a pain staying home for 12 days. As always beautiful stitching and crocheting!

Gretchen Weaver disse...

How nice you had hand projects to work on while recuperating. Praise GOD for vaccines! Happy stitching!

The Cozy Quilter disse...

Glad to hear your case was mild! Hope you are feeling back to your normal self very soon. So nice to have a bit of handwork to occupy you as you recover.

Jenny disse...

I do hope you are feeling much better now, I'm sure catching Covid is no fun at all. So far, we have managed to evade it, but who knows where it is lurking? Staying tucked up at home gave you plenty of time for stitching the quilt labels. Take care Ivani.