sábado, 5 de novembro de 2022

Blocos feitos com migalhas de tecidos

Primeiro final de semana de Novembro, e estamos enfrentando uma nova onda de frio. As temperaturas despencaram para  7 , 8°C  aqui onde moro quando o normal seria estar acima de 25°C, que loucura! Próxima  semana, no Egito estará sendo discutido na Conferência do Clima da ONU  como os governantes irão implementar medidas para diminuirem  as mudanças climáticas com foco nos cortes de emissões de gases de efeito estufa no planeta e compromisso na preservação de florestas. Que todos os países participantes se comprometam, não temos um planeta  B, precisamos preservar o Planeta Terra.

Esta semana tivemos o feriado de 2/Novembro, dia de Finados.  Mas tivemos também eventos anti-democráticos.  Desde Terça-feira pela manhã a cidade onde moro está completamente sem combustível, não tem mais gasolina, etanol nem diesel, todos os Postos estão com os reservatórios vazios. As manifestações feita por caminhoneiros que apoiam o presidente em exercício, inconformados com o resultado da eleição, interditaram completamente as principais estradas do país. Imaginem o transtorno.

Mesmo assim a semana passou voando!

Este mês, Angela deixou a critério de cada participante,  usar retalhos marrons, pretos ou multicoloridos em blocos de suas coleções ou iniciarem a montagem dos blocos feitos ao longo do ano.

Mês passado comecei a fazer alguns blocos com migalhas e decidi usar os retalhos pequenos (com menos de 1,5") na cor marrom para fazer mais alguns.

Com estas pequenas migalhas: 

fiz 10 blocos, 

foi isto o que sobrou:

E isto que foi para o lixo

Em conexão e compartilhando com:
Angela em Rainbow Scrap Challenge - 2022
Frédérique em Patchwork & Quilts
Cynthia em Oh Scrap!

16 comentários:

Kate disse...

Very fun scrappy blocks. No gasoline is no fun, nor are anti-democratic activities. Our Midterm elections are next week, I'm sure there will some of that then as well.

Karen - Quilts...etc. disse...

I hope you are able to get gas for your vehicles soon - that is such an inconvenience for the whole country when something like that happens. It is 46 degrees here this morning too and yesterday it was 80! up and down and will be this week before we get the cooler weather of fall.

Mari disse...

Your brown blocks are great! I always think brown will be a bad color, but it always surprises me. I'm sorry you're having so much social unrest! I hope it gets better soon. And that it warms up for you just a bit, too!

scraphappy disse...

What a week you have had! Glad you were able to find sewing time amongst all the chaos though. Your brown crumb blocks look great. So nice to use up some generally overlooked scraps.

LIttle Penguin Quilts disse...

Your brown crumb blocks are lovely, Ivani! Rich and cozy. Looks like the right kind of sewing for a frustrating week. Hugs!

Deb A disse...

Your brown blocks are lovely! I'm sorry to hear of the unrest where you live. Stay safe and stitch away. Democracy seems to be facing challenges everywhere right now. I hope Democracy prevails.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué disse...

In France, last month the staff of the refineries went on strike for a wage increase, and we didn't get the gas either. Not everything is back to normal everywhere today. I hope it's going to be faster in Brasil, even if the problems are not for the same reasons.
Lovely brown blocks, cute blue accents!
Thank you for sharing, and linking up ;)

Jenny disse...

I read about your political unrest in Brazil, but didn't know about the fuel crisis, what a time your country is having. Just as well you can relax and sew and forget about these things for a while.

Kathy S. disse...

Way to tame down those brown scraps, Ivani!

Chantal disse...

Sorry to hear about the turmoil in your country. Hope it gets resolved soon. Love your brown crumbs. Do you have a plan for all those lovelies? ;^)

Sylvia@Treadlestitches disse...

Lovely brown blocks, and a great way to use up scraps! I'm so sorry for your political unrest. I keep hoping people here and all over the world will come to their senses. Stay safe!

Deb disse...

Great work on those crumb blocks and just a itty bit in the garbage!! I do love a good crumb quilt and finished up two in the last while with small stars on the edges. Stay safe and sew on !

The Cozy Quilter disse...

great use of all those brown bits and pieces! I hope things settle down soon there.

Vireya disse...

The brown scraps made lovely blocks.

So many worrying things happening.

Kat Scribner disse...

your crumb blocks are lovely ! they have so much piecing interest, what size do they finish at ?? Have a great week, Ivani. We have fall here in the midwest America. Temps higher than usual for this time of year, but oh so lovely! I could take this all year.

Sara disse...

I haven't tried the crumb blocks yet. Your scrappy brown blocks are all very pretty!