sábado, 22 de maio de 2021

Fazendo os blocos Contas com os blocos Cabana de Toras

Olá! Bom final de semana  para todos.
Como esta a vida onde você vive?

Por aqui, infelizmente, sem falar da crise política e econômica,  parece que ainda estamos longe de conseguirmos ter uma vida mais normal. A  crise causada pela Covid-19 continua. Há 4 meses teve inicio a vacinação no país, com poucas vacinas disponíveis 19,64% da população recebeu a primeira dose da vacina e apenas 9,65% está completamente imunizado tendo recebido as 2 doses. Falta leito de UTI em vários estados e o Brasil já ultrapassou a marca de 
446.500 vidas perdidas. E para complicar ainda mais, surgiu esta semana a possibilidade da variante da Índia ter entrado no país. 

Para não ficar pensando nisso, e manter o otimismo em alta,  minha válvula de escape tem sido usar meus retalhos  semanalmente e costurar os blocos de patchwork assim como fazer o crochê e bordar ponto cruz, que também faço. Tem me ajudado muito. Ler as postagens de vocês e acompanhar os trabalhos que vocês fazem é sempre um refrigério para a mente além de grande inspiração.  Por isso agradeço a Deus por esta oportunidade que vocês me dão. E peço desculpas pelo desabafo.

Para esta semana foram as tiras de tecidos vermelhos com 2,5" que entraram em cena.

Tempo de fazer 8 blocos Cabana de Toras descentralizados (Log Cabin off center)  para a montagem dos blocos  Contas (Beads). 

A parte que consome mais tempo na montagem destes blocos é ter todas as partes cortadas. Isso feito costurar é fácil e rapidamente os dois blocos ficaram prontos.

Meus blocos são grandes, medem 16", aproximadamente 40,5cm cada.

Em conexão com Angela em Rainbow Scrap Challenge - 2021;

com Frédérique em Patchwork & Quilts, e

com Cynthia em Oh Scrap!

Fiquem bem e se cuidem!

17 comentários:

Vireya disse...

It is so sad that so many lives have been lost to this dreadful disease.
Thank goodness for creative hobbies like sewing and crochet, to calm our minds in troubling times.
Your red log cabin blocks are beautiful.

Karen - Quilts...etc. disse...

Love your blocks - so sorry that this awful disease is still running high in your country - I do wish all countries could get a lot of the vaccine to their people I do not know what the solution is. Stay safe and stay busy with art crafts and reading I not it helped me though the past year.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts disse...

your log cabins look great! I, too, allow myself to be absorbed into my crafts to help deal with stressful situations! I think that is why some weeks are more creatively productive than others...

The Joyful Quilter disse...

Stay safe and keep quilting, Ivani!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts disse...

Cutting pieces for blocks often does take longer than the actual sewing! Your off-center log cabins are pretty in red, and I love that happens when you put four together. I'm so sorry the Covid crisis continues in your country, Ivani, but I'm glad that sewing helps you cope. That's definitely been true for me, too, during this last year.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué disse...

I hope the situation will change quickly in Brasil, and that you will have more vaccines for people. Those variants are making things worse, but crafts, and quilting is a good way to escape all this.
Lovely red log cabins!
Thank you for sharing and linking up today ;)

Preeti disse...

Love these ruby red globes!!! Like precious jewels.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana disse...

Ivani, we are all heartbroken to learn of the deaths and suffering in your country. I believe we should do more to help and my hubby and I increased our donation to Doctors Without Borders this month as a small way of helping our world.
Meanwhile, I love your blocks and stitching is a happy occupation for the mind. Take care and stay safe. Thinking about you in far away Canada...

chrisknits disse...

Wonderful projects! Hope you are well.

Mari disse...

I love your red blocks, and am so sorry that the virus is not getting better in your home. Please take care of yourself and stay safe. I hope you are able to get a vaccine soon, and I hope my country starts exporting more of them soon.

Mari disse...

I lovde your red blocks, and I'm so sorry that the virus is still so bad in your home country. Please take care of yourself, and know that your fellow stitchers are thinking of you. Stay safe.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches disse...

Take care, Ivani! I have been thinking of you when hearing about the news in Brazil. Your red log cabin blocks are great. Sewing gives me at least momentary peace when times are hard, I'm glad to know you feel the same.

Astrid disse...

Very pretty red log cabin blocks. I'm sad to hear about the situation in your country, hope it improves. Thank goodness we are able to 'escape' into the love of quilting and other hobbies. Stay safe Ivani!

Gretchen Weaver disse...

Your log cabin blocks are very pretty, your quilt will be lovely! I hope Brazil is able to distribute more vaccine soon. This pandemic journey has become very weary. I'm glad you are able to concentrate on your activities to keep your hand and mind busy. Stay safe and happy stitching!

Vicki in MN disse...

I am glad you are finding time and inspiration to get some sewing therapy while we are in this trying time. Our sewing/quilting is so important to us quilters. Hugs to you.

Katie Z. disse...

Your blocks are beautiful!

I'm so sorry that CoVid continues to destroy so much. We have ample vaccines available here, but too many adults are refusing to get vaccinated. It makes me sad; as soon as the vaccine is available for children, you can be sure I'll take mine in. I don't want to contribute to spreading.

TerryKnott.blogspot.com disse...

Your red blocks are beautiful Ivani. I too am sorry that the number of people vaccinated in Brazil is so low. When the contributing factor is lack of the vaccine, my heart wrenches. I hope more vaccine arrives in Brazil soon so that more of your country's men and women will be armed against the virus.