domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2022

E continua chovendo

Mais uma semana com muita chuva. Em vários estados da região Sudeste, muitas inundações, e deslizamento de terra. O pior foi na cidade de Petrópolis,  região serrana, no estado do Rio de Janeiro,  Terça-Feira. Muitas famílias perderam tudo,  suas casas e seus familiares.  Em 2 horas choveu 240mm.

As voluntárias  do projeto que moram lá, graças a Deus estão  bem. Entretanto uma delas, que tem um Ateliê  de Quilting e Patchwork  teve perdas materiais,  perdeu muito material, tecidos  e 6 máquinas de costura. Muita água  e lama entrou na loja. 

Uma tragédia, com mais de 150  mortes confirmadas até agora e  140 pessoas ainda desaparecidas. Muito triste.

E continua chovendo...

Graças a Deus aqui onde moro, ainda tem chovido, mas com menor intensidade. 

Durante esta semana continuei bordando a mantinha do bebê. Ainda falta bordar a girafa, falta definir a cor que usarei para substituir a cor de rosa (pink). A maioria dos contornos já foram feitos.

Removi mais alguns papeis e alinhavos  para iniciar uma nova carreira e  lentamente continuei acolchoando a mão o centro de mesa com as rosetas vermelhas e branco,


posso reportar algum progresso, das 12 rosetas brancas, 3 foram acolchoadas.

Neste Domingo,  pretendo relaxar um pouco, dando continuidade  a estes dois trabalhos manuais.

Desejo um feliz Domingo e uma ótima semana para todos.

Em conexão com:
Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching, e
Kate em 15 Minutes to Stitch

12 comentários:

linda disse...

It's so sad to hear about those people loosing their lives, so much rain! The weather is causing problems everywhere, for us it's gale force winds stronger than we have ever experienced, it's causing so much damage and leaving people without power. Thank goodness we have our crafts to keep our minds off things. Your embroidery is very sweet and I love the hexagons I have been playing with pentagons these past couple of weeks and found it a lot of fun. Take care and enjoy your Sunday stitching. xx

Kate disse...

Has the forecast indicated when there might be a break in the rain? Flooding on that scale is heartbreaking.

You've been moving along with all your projects. Those red and white hexies are so pretty. Happy stitching this week. Hoping you get to see the sun soon.

CathieJ disse...

I have been watching the television coverage of the rains and mudslides and thinking about you. I am glad that you are safe, but it is so sad to see all the devastation and loss of life. Your baby blanket is coming along beautifully. It is so adorable. I like you quilting also. Enjoy all of your stitching and please stay safe and hopefully dry.

Sarah disse...

Yes the pictures of the landslides look terrible, it’s very sad. Your cross stitch and EPP is coming along nicely. Enjoy a relaxing day Ivani

Karen - Quilts...etc. disse...

I saw the news on the mudslides and hoped you lived no where near that area it sounded awful and you keep getting so much rain I hope the rain season ends soon

LIttle Penguin Quilts disse...

Your baby blanket design is so adorable and looks like you're making good progress on it now, Ivani! I'm so sorry to hear about the flooding and mudslides. Hoping for drier days ahead!

Karrin Hurd disse...

So sad to hear about those people losing their lives, and the never-ending rain. I will keep them in my prayers. Your red and white quilt is coming along beautifully! Take care and happy stitching!

Birthe Marie disse...

It was very sad to hear about the flood and mudslides. The forces of nature can destroy a lot. Pity for all who have died and the many who are missing. Glad to hear you're not affected. Your projects are great! The baby blanket will be very nice! Happy stitching!

Quilter Kathy disse...

You are making great progress with stitching the animals.
With all that rain, you should maybe build an ark for the animals and for you!?

Jenny disse...

We saw about the terrible weather tradegies on the TV news, how awful it must have been. Pleased you are safe and sound.
Your baby blanket is coming along nicely, it looks so nice!

Kim disse...

The floods sound devastating. How tragic to have so many losses and deaths. Surely it has to stop raining soon??!! Your cross stitch pretty is looking more adorable with new stitch. 'Tis always lovely to look at your red and white hexies, Ivani.

The Cozy Quilter disse...

I’m so sorry that the rain is continuing to devastate communities in Brazil and hope that it stops soon. Stay safe!
Your cross stitch looks better every week! Love the red and white quilt too!