domingo, 6 de fevereiro de 2022


Precisando muito relaxar e esquecer por alguns minutos, tudo que está acontecendo no mundo lá fora? 

Aproveite, hoje é Domingo! 

Hoje é dia de celebrarmos nosso amor pelos trabalhos manuais feitos com agulhas e fios.

Consegui alguns progressos em meus trabalhos manuais  no decorrer da semana.

A mantinha de bebê recebeu vários pontos cruz e fiz também alguns contornos. Esse macaquinho não está ficando muito simpático? E o jacaré parece feliz na lagoa!

No bastidor sigo lentamente e imperfeitamente acolchoando a mão,   o centro de mesa com as rosetas do Jardim da Vovó feito com hexágonos vermelhos e brancos. 

As vezes sinto vontade de desmanchar tudo, mas ai repito para mim mesmo, que só a prática nos levará a perfeição e que faz parte do aprendizado. 

A cada ponto que faço,lembro dos quilts maravilhosamente acolchoados por Gretchen e Karen. Se vocês nunca viram sugiro que reservem alguns minutos e naveguem pelos blogs delas. 

Um dia eu chego lá?
Muito provavelmente não! 
Mas sigo fazendo, por pior que fique, fui eu que fiz e durante o processo  deixei os problemas do mundo lá fora.

Por aqui chove dia e noite desde antes do Natal, raros e rápidos momentos em que conseguimos ver o céu azul, ou as estrelas. Chove forte, chove continuamente, chove fraco. Um mundo de roupas para serem lavadas, o chão mal seca e já chove novamente. A casa já está cheirando a mofo. E como sempre quando chove, refresca, não tivemos verão este ano, nada de dias quentes e ensolarados, roupas leves. E para esta semana temos ainda novo alerta de mais chuvas intensas. 

No quintal surgiram estes seres: 

Ao lado,  fungo ou líquen, não sei ao certo como classificá-los.

e um caracol: 

A natureza é surpreendente!

Desejo a todos um  feliz Domingo. 

Bons pontinhos!

Em conexão com:
Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching, e
Kate em 15 Minutes to Stitch

16 comentários:

Gretchen Weaver disse...

I think your stitches look just fine and you're correct, it takes practice. The embroidery for the crib quilt is really coming along, the monkey is really cute! I hope you don't have any problems with flooding from all the rain. If I remember, you were very dry and worried about fires a years ago. Happy stitching!

CathieJ disse...

I think you quilting looks just fine. We all have to practice. That is such a pretty quilt. I adore that little monkey and the alligator doesn't look scary with that cute smile.

Created by Kathi disse...

Ivani... I love your stitchery... your quilting on the hexi flowers and the real flower and big snail you showed carrying his home! Kathi

Linda disse...

Wow Ivani, that is a LOT of rain! Your hexies really are beautiful. I know you see the imperfections but we don't! I love your cute animal cross stitch. Have a wonderful Sunday!

Angela disse...

The baby blanket is adorable!

Karen - Quilts...etc. disse...

I love your hexies - I hope your rain stops soon - I would get tired of that much rain after awhile. I think your quilting looks wonderful

The Cozy Quilter disse...

Your quilting is adding wonderful texture to your hexie project. I love the animals on the baby blanket. That is a lot of rain. The white thing could be some sort of mushroom.

Sarah disse...

Your quilting looks great Ivani! And your cross stitch is so cute.

linda disse...

I love your baby blanket the monkey and crocodile are so cute. Your quilt look just fine to me, sometimes I think that we are too hard on ourselves. That is a lot of rain! we have had hardly any this winter but I'm sure that we will have to pay for it somewhere down the line. xx

Karrin Hurd disse...

Beautiful stitching! That is a lot of rain, which we desperately need. We are in the 60's to 70's the next couple of weeks, barely had a little rain around November. We are now on level II drought water restriction and I can only water on Mondays! Happy stitching!

Kim disse...

You know, I think your quilting is lovely! I rather love quilting stitches that sometimes refuse to 'march perfect' behind one another. =) Your baby blanket is darling. Love the smile on the alligator. We have a saying here in Australia....."never trust a smile on a crocodile". =) You must have received our rain. It's been unusually warm and dry here, not that I am complaining. It's horrible when a house smells all musty. I always light a fragrant candle to shoo away the nasty odours. So glad to see you are stitching again, Ivani. Have a beautiful day quilting your lovely hexie quilt.

Vireya disse...

That is an amazing fungus - I thought it was a flower when i first saw your photo.

Stitching is so good for taking your mind off worrying things. Your projects are progressing beautifully.

LIttle Penguin Quilts disse...

Your little cross-stitched monkey is so adorable, Ivani! What a fun project to be working on! I think your hand quilting on the hexie piece looks wonderful. Like you, I just need continued practice on that skill.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting disse...

It is so fun to see the motifs come alive with the backstitching. I adore your hexi quilt you are working on.

Kate disse...

The cross stitch is coming along beautifully, it's such a cute pattern. Your hand stitches don't look bad and once it's finished only you will be able to pick out where you started. It's frustrating sometimes that you only get better by practicing, but while practicing you aren't very good yet. Oh well, hope you had a happy stitching day anyway.

Jill disse...

The cross stitch baby item is adorable. Love it. Don’t worry about your stitches, they will improve greatly by the time you get to the finish. The red and white fabrics that you chose make this quilt outstanding.