domingo, 17 de abril de 2022

Blocos de Assinatura - Feliz Páscoa

Continuo empenhada em bordar em ponto cruz,  os nomes das crianças,  nos blocos  de assinatura do projeto Love Quilts Brasil. 

Até o momento 3 blocos  foram bordados e estão  prontos para completar os kits. O que isso significa? 

Que em breve estes kits irão para a confecção e que logo as colchas estarão prontas, para serem entregues as crianças  inscritas no projeto. 

Este outro bloco de assinatura está em andamento, quase pronto, pretendo terminar de bordar as últimas  letras do nome e terminá-lo hoje.

O projeto Love Quilts faz parte da minha vida há  22 anos. 

Aqui no Brasil, para a semana da Páscoa  a indústria produz mais de 8000  toneladas de ovos de Páscoa. Ovos  de chocolate, recheados de bombons são  tradição, principalmente para as crianças. 

Corredores inteiros, em grandes supermercados, são reservados para os ovos de Páscoa,  que formam  verdadeiros túneis  de cores e sabores.

Desejo para todos que celebram,  Feliz Páscoa! Que todos tenham um Feliz Domingo!


Em conexão  e compartilhando com:

Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching, e

Kate em 15 Minutes to Stitch.

9 comentários:

Vireya disse...

Wow, that is an amazing display in the supermarket!

Happy Easter to you and your family.

linda disse...

The blocks are looking great, wishing you a Happy Easter Ivani.

The Cozy Quilter disse...

Happy Easter! Those personalized labels are beautiful.

Gretchen Weaver disse...

Have a blessed Easter. I'm sure your new grandson will get his share of Easter eggs even though he can't eat them yet. I think it's so nice the children's quilts have their name of the quilt label. This make their quilt even more special, happy stitching!

LIttle Penguin Quilts disse...

Happy Easter, 8vani! It's wonderful that you've been involved in Love Quilts Brazil for such a long time. So many children have gotten comfort from your efforts!

CathieJ disse...

Wow, that is quite a lot of chocolate Easter Eggs. I didn't even step foot in our local chocolate shop this year. I usually buy chocolate bunnies for everyone, but it is just my husband and I. You have been working hard on those labels. That is such a wonderful project. Happy Easter!

Karrin Hurd disse...

Wow that is quite a display of eggs! Your embroidery is lovely, and that is impressive you have been involved in the project for 22 years! Happy Easter Ivani!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana disse...

Love those wonky stars too!
What special embroidery projects you have in progress with such meaning. I enjoyed seeing them. That is amazing all the aisles of chocolate goodies. I would love to be there to experience that.

Sarah disse...

I think the love quilts project is so nice and must bring lots of pleasure to those children. Goodness that is a lot of chocolate!