sábado, 8 de outubro de 2022

Brincando com retalhos verdes

Uma semana chuvosa, fria e  entre Quinta-Feira e Sexta-Feira, ficamos sem energia elétrica  por 27 horas, a falta de energia foi provocada por fortes ventos e chuvas.

Eu deveria ter preparado algum dos blocos que estou fazendo para completar as coleções deste ano com retalhos verdes claros / cítricos, mas ao invés disso algumas pequenas migalhas, de diversos tons de verde  pediram para ser unidas, e 2 blocos com 6,5" foram feitos.

Depois encontrei as tiras com menos de 1,5" de largura e decidi uní-las, algumas tiras precisaram ser emendadas e resultaram em 2 blocos com 9 X 6,5".

O que farei com eles? Com os quadrados  talvez novos blocos e com os retângulos, provavelmente tapetinhos de caneca (Mug-Rugs). Nada definido, mas uma coisa eu garanto foi relaxante e divertido brincar com estes retalhos.

Fiz também o bloco # 4 do Mystery Quilt Along, Christmas Time, promovido por Fat Quarter Shop.

Este bloco apesar da quantidade de unidades, foi montado muito rapidamente. 

Gostei muito.

Como vocês podem observar neste bloco usei tecidos verde mais claro, de acordo com os tons de verde escolhidos por Angela, para as participantes do RSC-22 usarem em Outubro.

Risquei  um UFO da lista, terminei o mini painel bordado por minha filha, caso queira ver como ficou,  falei sobre ele, nesta outra mensagem. Clique aqui.

Compartilhando e em conexão com:
Angela  em Rainbow Scrap Challenge
Frédérique em Patchwork & Quilts

Cynthia em Oh Scrap! 

11 comentários:

Gretchen Weaver disse...

Sometimes it's fun to just do mindless sewing and make the crumb blocks. Your Christmas quilt is going to be very cute, happy stitching!

Vireya disse...

Sorry to hear you had no power. That is not nice.
Fortunately you could still sew with your lovely treadle machine.

The Cozy Quilter disse...

I love sewing scraps together randomly too. I was thinking I would make some 6.5” blocks for next year’s RSC. I need to use up some of my scraps…the bins are full. Your Christmas blocks are pretty too!

Kathy S. disse...

Great way to use up the green scraps. I like the mystery QAL. Nice work. Have a fun weekend!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting disse...

Great crumb and strip blocks, Ivani!!! And fun Christmas blocks, too!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué disse...

Your green blocks are fun and pretty, I love the strawberries, and various balls. The gifts block is lovely too, the Christmas quilt is coming nicely!
Thank you for sharing, and linking up Ivani!

Sara disse...

Your crumb blocks are a great way to use up those smaller scraps. And your Christmas blocks look awesome. I've printed the patterns but haven't made the blocks yet.

LIttle Penguin Quilts disse...

I always enjoy making crumb blocks - they're kind of like figuring out a puzzle. Yours are pretty in the bright greens! Cute pile of gifts for your Christmas QAL, too!

Gwyned Trefethen disse...

The mystery quilt along looks like such fun. Love how you cross pollinated your RSC with the mystery when selecting fabric for the stack of presents.

Cathy disse...

Crumb blocks and string blocks always steal my heart. Yours are lovely, and I’m glad to hear they were relaxing for you. That Christmas sew-along from the Fat Quarter Shop looks fun. I did a Christmas quilt last year and was hoping to do a Halloween one this year. But I am drowning in scraps and crumbs so I have to sew my way out by making lots of kids quilts!!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches disse...

When the scraps want to play, we can't say no! Glad your power is back. The Christmas quilt is coming along nicely, great job.