domingo, 16 de abril de 2023

Progresso no bordado livre

Vocês já devem estar cansadas de ver o bordado Believe, ou não?
Se sim, desculpem mas estou curtindo muito bordar um pouquinho por semana, escolhendo pontos e cores das linhas,  sempre que sobra um tempinho nos finais de tarde estou com meu bordado livre nas mãos.

Pontos bordados até o momentoPonto Atrás, Corrente Invertida, Nó Francês, Ponto Caseado (Blanket), Nó Francês Alongado, Ponto Mosca (Fly Stitch), Ponto Cheio, Ponto Margarida, Ponto Sombra, Ponto Haste, Ponto Palestrina, Ponto Estrela, Ponto Corrente (cabo), Ponto Haste com nó Português, Ponto Ilhós, Ponto Granito, Ponto Reto, Split Stitch, Ponto espinha de Peixe, Ponto Margarida Duplo, Ponto Satin,Couching Stitch, Satin long and short stitch

Agora falta bordar a palavra Yourself, estarei acrescentando alguns pontinhos ainda hoje.

Durante a semana terminei de acolchoar a mão o bloco que fiz com o bordado Bunny Blooms.

Aqui a frente da capa da almofada pronta, sem o enchimento.

Quero iniciar outro bordado, outro bordado livre? um barrado em toalha de banho feito em ponto cruz?Tenho também alguns trabalhos para serem acolchoados... durante a semana  decidirei qual será o próximo trabalho manual.

Bons pontinhos e Feliz Domingo para todos.

Compartilhando com:
Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching
Kate em 15 Minutes to Stitch

14 comentários:

Gretchen Weaver disse...

Embroidery is supposed to be fun and relaxing. You take as much time as you want to take. The little flower quilt is very cute, happy stitching!

The Cozy Quilter disse...

I wish I could come and take an embroidery lesson or two with you! Your handwork is gorgeous.

Deb A disse...

So many pretty stitches on that embroidery. I agree with The Cozy Quilter - would love to sit and learn some stitches with you. Enjoy your week.

Kate disse...

Both embroidery projects are looking good. Enjoy your slow stitching this week.

Angela disse...

Your Believe embroidery is so very pretty!

Karrin Hurd disse...

I love your Believe embroidery, and your little rabbit cushion. Great work. Happy stitching!

Quilter Kathy disse...

Oh how beautiful your projects are! I adore the Believe in Yourself project! Happy slow stitching! disse...

It's great to have so many slow stitching options! Your Believe is beautiful and how fun to track all of the stitches. Your pillow project is stunning!

Sarah disse...

I think your believe embroidery is lovely and it's great to see it take shape and how many different stitches you are using each week.

LIttle Penguin Quilts disse...

I think your Believe embroidery design is lovely, and I always enjoy seeing your progress on it, Ivani! The pillow cover turned out great, too. You know you will have to start something new - we slow stitchers can't go too long with something to stitch on!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting disse...

I never tire of seeing your gorgeous Believe embroidery. It is so vibrant, fun and detailed. Your pillow cover looks amazing. Have a wonderful Sunday and a blessed week, Ivani.

Deb disse...

Your embroidery is lovely, it's wonderful to see the progress. Happy Stitching

Jenny disse...

I love seeing your embroidery as it progresses. We all understand that embroidery takes a while, and celebrate with you every step of the way.

Vireya disse...

I love your Believe embroidery! So beautiful.